Jesuit Online Library Titles

The Jesuit Online Library includes the following 14 titles, consisting of nearly 100,000 pages in 700 volumes. To suggest other titles for inclusion in the Jesuit Online Library or to grant permission for titles to be digitized and added, please contact the Portal’s editors (




Jesuit Educational Quarterly

Published by Jesuit Educational Association, the Jesuit Educational Quarterly primarily consists of reflections by Jesuit administrators and professors on the developments at their schools and the secular educational trends. Beyond the valuable data and book reviews, the contents of the JEQ reveal a dynamic dialogue as Jesuits responded to external and internal developments and engaged with one another about the methodology, content, and direction of Jesuit education in 20th-century America. (1938-1970; 130 volumes; English)

Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits

Studies, a journal dedicated to Jesuit history and spirituality, is a product of the Seminar on Jesuit Spirituality, whose membership Seminar is composed of a group of Jesuits appointed from their provinces in the United States. Studies examines the spiritual doctrine and practice of Society of Jesus through scholarly essays. (1969-current; 211 volumes; English)

Woodstock Letters

The publication of record for the Society of Jesus in North America and, later, South America, Woodstock Letters was published at the Woodstock College seminary in Maryland. It offers often candid assessments of the “current events and historical notes connected with the colleges and missions of the Society of Jesus,” with fulsome biographies and obituaries, institutional histories, correspondence from the Jesuit leadership, and reviews of “Books of Interest to Ours” (i.e., Jesuits). (1872-1969; 317 volumes; primarily in English)


Regional histories

Historia de la Compañía de Jesús en la asistencia de España

Antonio Astrain’s history of the Jesuits in Spain starts with the birth of Ignatius of Loyola, ca. 1491, at “the end of the town of Azpeitia,” and closes with the Order’s expulsion from the Mariana Islands in 1758. (1902-1925; 7 volumes; Spanish)

Histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus en France

Subtitled “The Origins of the Suppression,” Henri Fouqueray’s account traces the origins of the Society in Jesus in France, from the education of its founding in Paris to the spiritual, educational, and political works of the Jesuits in the mid-seventeenth century. (1910-1925; 5 volumes; French)

Historia de la Compañía de Jesús en la provincia del Paraguay

Pablo Pastells, a Jesuit historian from the Catalan region of Spain, chronicles the activities of the Society of Jesus in the vast Province of Paraguay–encompassing Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil—from 1638 until 1768. (1912-1949; 8 volumes; Spanish)

Historia de las misiones de la Compañía de Jesús en el Marañón español

José Chantre y Herrera was a Spanish Jesuit who, though he never traveled to the area, wrote a history of the work of the Society in the region of the Marañón River near modern-day Peru and Ecuador. He completed the text after the expulsion of the Marañón Jesuits in 1770, and it was later published in Spain. (1901; 1 volume; Spanish)

Historia de la Compañía de Jesús en la Nueva España

Francisco Xavier Alegre, who was born in New Spain in 1729 and joined the Jesuits in 1747, wrote a history of the Society of Jesus in modern-day Mexico after its (and his) expulsion in 1767. His account was published in Mexico in the mid-nineteenth century. (1841-1842; 3 volumes; Spanish)

The History of the Society of Jesus in North America

Thomas Hughes divides his study of the Jesuits in North America into two parts: a two-volume narrative history, through 1773, and a two-volume collection of selected documents, from 1605-1838. (1907-1917; 4 volumes; English)

 The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century

Included in his larger seven-volume history of the French and English in North America, Francis Parkman devotes two volumes to his account of the experiences of French Jesuits missionaries, starting in 1632, in modern-day Canada. (1867; 2 volumes; English)


Historical surveys

Jesuit Education: Its History and Principles Viewed in the Light of Modern Educational Principles

American scholar Robert Schwickerath offers a wide-ranging history of Jesuit education: its origins, its developments, and its changing contexts. (1903; 1 volume; English)

The Jesuits (1534-1921)

Thomas Campbell, a provincial of the Province of New York and president of what became Fordham University, writes a narrative of the history of the Society, from its roots in the sixteenth century to the book’s publication in the early twentieth. (1921; 2 volumes; English)



Beati Petri Canisii, Societatis Iesu, Epistulae et acta

Otto Braunsberger edits the biography and letters of Pieter Kanis (Peter Canisius), the Dutch Jesuit who joined the Society of Jesus in 1543, served that the Council of Trent, and founded what became the University of Innsbruck. He was canonized shortly after the publication of Braunsberger’s last volume. (1896-1923; 8 volumes; Latin)

The Life of the Blessed Peter Favre

A translation of a work of Italian scholar Giuseppe Boero, the biography of Pierre Favre is as part of a larger quarterly series of religious biographies published in London in the nineteenth century. (1873; 1 volume; English)

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