October 2019: Sangelli Institute Hosts International Workshop on Education and Culture

A three-day workshop begins October 2 at the Istituto Sangalli in Florence. The event features a number of scholars from around the world to present on the topic “Entangled Knowledges: Education and Culture in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (XIIIth-XIXth C).”


This is the fifth international workshop hosted by the Istituto Sangalli, allowing emerging scholars the opportunity to discuss their topics and research with accomplished scholars from Italy and abroad. A full program appears below and can be found online.




2nd October 2019



— On. Flavia Piccoli Nardelli, Commissione Cultura, Camera dei Deputati

— Alessandro Martini, Assessore ai rapporti con le confessioni religiose, Comune di Firenze

— Massimo Carlo Giannini, Università degli studi di Teramo – Istituto Sangalli




— Maurizio Sangalli, Università per stranieri di Siena – Istituto Sangalli


Learning and its Institutions in Late Medieval Cairo and Damascus (XIIIth-XVth centuries)

— Caterina Bori, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna


L’arte italiana del rinascimento e l’ebraismo: cosa si vede, cosa si sa, cosa rimane da fare

— Giulio Busi, Freie Universität Berlin


Discussione e pausa caffè


«Ascoltatemi e l’anima vostra gusterà cibi succulenti»: l’introduzione del Seder Eliyyahu Zuta (1523) di Elia Capsali e l’influsso della retorica umanistica

— Francesca Valentina Diana, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna





3rd October 2019


I Catechismi di Lutero e il progetto formativo della Riforma

— Fulvio Ferrario, Facoltà Valdese di Teologia, Roma


Handbooks for Clergy and their Editorial Success in Pre-Tridentine Church

— Antonio Gerace, Fondazione per le scienze religiose ‘Giovanni XXIII’, Bologna – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


Discussione e pausa caffè


Franciscan Sermons as a Tool of Education in the Upper Hungary (XVIIth-XVIIIth centuries)

— Ivana Labancová, Comenius University, Bratislava


Galileo’s Piarists. Famiano Michelini’s School of Mathematics between Roman Opposition and Scientific Revolution

— David Salomoni, Università degli studi Roma Tre



Early Modern Chinese-European Relations: Translating ‘Christian’ Culture in a Multi-Religious Context

— Eugenio Menegon, Boston University – Center for the Study of Asia


Picturing the Knowledge of Heaven and Earth in the Jesuit China Mission (XVIIth century)

— Han Dong, University of Warwick


Discussione e pausa caffè


Entangled Habits and Missionary Ordeals: Amor Proprio, Custom and Dress in Spanish Colonial Philippines (1581-1636)

— Maria Cecilia Aguilar Holt, Harvard University – Harvard Divinity School


«Lacking ships, I will reach those islands by swimming». A Renewed Desire for Japan in the Jesuit Petitions for the Indies (Italian Assistancy, 1690-1730 ca.)

— Elisa Frei, Boston College – Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies





4th October 2019



Les sept portes du savoir: approches institutionnelles et approches individuelles de la formation des élites françaises du XVe au XVIIIe siècle

— Boris Noguès, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon


Lectio Orthodoxorum and Lectio Basilianorum: Reading Canons of the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic (Basilian) Monks in the Early Modern Eastern Europe

— Ivan Almes, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv


Discussione e pausa caffè


L’educazione femminile in Cina. Rappresentazioni e proposte di intervento in alcune fonti a stampa missionarie (1830-1860 ca.)

— Alice Boeri, Università degli studi di Padova – Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris


Educazione religiosa o religione educativa? Riferimenti teologici nell’assiologia pedagogica di Antonio Rosmini (1820-1850)— Paolo Bonafede, Università degli studi di Trento


Discussione e conclusione dei lavori

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