Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness (2015)

The first International Symposium on Jesuit Studies took place in June 2015 at Boston College.

Several scholars were invited to revise their presentations as formal essays, which were then peer reviewed and published in Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ways of Proceeding within the Society of Jesus. Due to the support of the Institute for Advanced Jesuit studies, this book is available in open access through Brill Publishers. The volume offers an introductory essay and 12 chapters, all of which are available for download at no cost. The chapters include:


Francesco Benci and the Origins of Jesuit Neo-Latin Epic

— Paul Gwynne

Exploring the Distinctiveness of Neo-Latin Jesuit Didactic Poetry in Naples: The Case of Nicolò Partenio Giannettasio

— Claudia Schindler

Civic Education on Stage: Civic Values and Virtues in the Jesuit Schools of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth

— Jolanta Rzegocka

“Ask the Jesuits to Send Verses from Rome”: The Society’s Networks and the European Dissemination of Devotional Music

— Daniele V. Filippi

Priestly Violence, Martyrdom, and Jesuits: The Case of Diego de Alfaro, S.J. (Paraguay 1639)

— Andrew Redden

Colonial Theodicy and the Jesuit Ascetic Ideal in José de Acosta’s Works on Spanish America

— Bryan Green

Purple Silk and Black Cotton: Francisco Cabral, S.J., and the Negotiation of Jesuit Attire in Japan (1570–73)

— Linda Zampol D’Ortia

Pedro de Ribadeneyra’s Vida del P. Ignacio de Loyola (1583) and Literary Culture in Early Modern Spain

— Rady Roldán-Figueroa

The Distinctiveness of the Society of Jesus’s Mission in Pedro de Ribadeneyra S.J.’s Historia ecclesiástica del schisma del Reyno de Inglaterra (1588)

— Spencer J. Weinreich

Discerning Skills: Psychological Insight at the Core of Jesuit Identity

— Cristiano Casalini

Distinctive Contours of Jesuit Enlightenment in France

— Jeffrey D. Burson

One Century of Science: The Jesuit Journal Brotéria (1902–2002)

— Francisco Malta Romeiras

— Henrique Leitão

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