Search Results for: Coupe

Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society of Jesus, by Robert Scully, S.J.

Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society of Jesus   Robert E. Scully, S.J. Le Moyne College   Originally published: April 20, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.02     Where can and should one draw the line between fact and fiction, norms and ideals, history and hagiography? The […]

Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society of Jesus, by Robert Scully, S.J. Read More »

April 2018: New Essential Writings of the First Jesuits Available

Grupo de Espiritualidad Ignaciana (the Ignatian Spirituality Group) has published a new collection of writings by the first Jesuits. Escritos esenciales de los primeros jesuitas. De Ignacio a Ribadeneira includes writings on doctrine and spirituality by Ignatius and his nine companions in Paris as well as other early Jesuits–such as Francis Borgia, Jerónimo Nadal, Juan Alfonso de

April 2018: New Essential Writings of the First Jesuits Available Read More »

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