Search Results for: Martín Sánchez

Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society of Jesus, by Robert Scully, S.J.

Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society of Jesus   Robert E. Scully, S.J. Le Moyne College   Originally published: April 20, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.02     Where can and should one draw the line between fact and fiction, norms and ideals, history and hagiography? The […]

Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society of Jesus, by Robert Scully, S.J. Read More »

Knowledge and Personal Expectancies: Jesuit Intellectual Culture and Missionary Experience in the Early Jesuit Province of New Spain, by Hugo Zayas-González

Knowledge and Personal Expectancies: Jesuit Intellectual Culture and Missionary Experience in the Early Jesuit Province of New Spain   Hugo Zayas-González Central Michigan University   Originally published: April 20, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.28     On October 28, 1575, Superior General Everard Mercurian (in office 1573–80) explained to Antonio Cordeses, provincial of Aragon, that his decision

Knowledge and Personal Expectancies: Jesuit Intellectual Culture and Missionary Experience in the Early Jesuit Province of New Spain, by Hugo Zayas-González Read More »

Jesuit Libraries in the Old and the New Society of Jesus as a Historiographical Theme, by Noël Golvers

Jesuit Libraries in the Old and the New Society of Jesus as a Historiographical Theme   Noël Golvers KU Leuven   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.07     Beginning with the spread of Christianity in late antiquity, the clergy became one of the social groups that collected books—classical pre-Christian and Christian titles alike—not

Jesuit Libraries in the Old and the New Society of Jesus as a Historiographical Theme, by Noël Golvers Read More »

February 2020: Program for 2020 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History”

Because of the continuing threat of the coronavirus and various health and safety restrictions, the 2020 International Symposium was originally delayed to June 2021 before being cancelled in its entirety. Below is the original program for the event as scheduled for June 2020.   The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, together with its co-organizer Brotéria, is very

February 2020: Program for 2020 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History” Read More »

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