April 2018: Symposium at New Jesuit Archives and Research Center

On April 24, the new Jesuit Archives and Research Center hosts a symposium on “Jesuits and the Sciences” as part of the bicentennial celebrations of St. Louis University. The symposium features a keynote address by P. David Brown, S.J., a Vatican Astronomer and the caretaker of the telescopes at the Vatican Observatory at Castel Gandolfo, Italy.


The schedule of events for the symposium is available online and features:

9:00 a.m.

— Introduction and Welcome: David Miros, Ph.D., Director, Jesuit Archives and Research Center

— Invocation: Steve Schoenig, S.J., Department of History, St. Louis University

— Presentation: Kaitlyn Centini, undergraduate student, Lindenwood University (history, religion and art history), “Matteo Ricci: Leader of the Jesuit Mission in China”

— Presentation: Kieran Halloran, S.J., doctoral candidate, Department of Philosophy, St. Louis University, “Laudato Si: A Jesuit Engagement with Technology”


10:30 a.m.

— Keynote address: P. David Brown, S.J., Vatican Observatory, “Jesuits in Science as Arising from the Spiritual Exercises and Greater Catholic Milieu: The Ongoing Mission of Jesuits in Astronomy”


11:00 a.m.

— Roundtable discussion: P. David Brown, S.J., Kieran Halloran, S.J., Kaitlyn Centini, and Jeffrey P. Bishop, Ph.D., Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics at St. Louis University

— Benediction: Jeff Dorr, S.J., Jesuit Archives and Research Center