April 2021: Webinar on Early Jesuit Missions

A free webinar takes place on April 16, 2021, on the theme “Translating and Connecting Worlds: Missionary Sources, Religious Diversity and Cultural Pluralism. Experiences from the Past.”


The event is organized by ISEM CNR – National Research Council in the framework of the European Project “ReIReS” (Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies).


“Translating and Connecting Worlds” takes place on April 16, at 3:00 pm CET [2:00 PM LONDON\LISBON; 10:00 PM TOKYO, 8:00 AM NEW YORK\ BOSTON].


Angelo Cattaneo (CNR ISEM) has gathered the invited speakers to present on the Jesuit missions in Asia and in Perù in early modernity.


For more information and for free registration, please email: workshopreires@isem.cnr.it. All registered participants will receive the Zoom link to attend the webinar.


The online international research seminar “Translating and Connecting Worlds” aims to highlight and analyze the paramount importance of religious archives and sources connected to the activities of religious orders (in particular of the orders engaged in early modern and modern missions), for the study of several branches of modern cultural history.


“Translating and Connecting Worlds” was specifically conceived and designed in accomplishment with the general goals of ReIReS (Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies) to mobilize “the widest range of expertise, sources, resources and facilities of the domain of historical religious studies, by opening up to users a plurality of both documents and sources and research tools and instruments.”


A full program appears below


“Translating and Connecting Worlds: Missionary Sources, Religious Diversity and Cultural Pluralism. Experiences from the Past.”

Friday, 16 April 2021, 3:00 pm CET
Gaetano Sabatini (Director, CNR ISEM)

Welcome Note

Marcello Verga (Università degli Studi di Firenze, CNR ISEM – ReIReS WP7 Leader)



Angelo Cattaneo (CNR ISEM)



3:15 pm Alexandra Curvelo (IHA – NOVA FCSH, Lisbon)

The Christian Mission in Early Modern Japan through the lens of an Art Historian


3:40 pm Linda Zampol D’Ortia (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)

Tracing Feelings on Paper: Emotions in early modern Jesuit missions in Asia


4:10 pm Ana Carolina Hosne (National Council for Scientific Research – CONICET, Argentina)

The question of “barbarism” in the Jesuit missions, from Asia to Spanish America (16th-18th centuries)


4:30 pm Angelo Cattaneo (CNR ISEM)

Early Modern Missions and the Creation of the First Global System of Connected Languages. The case of the Portuguese Padroado


5:00 pm Sabrina Corbellini (University of Groningen)



5:20 pm General discussion and conclusions