December 2019: Call for Applications — Fellowships and Grants at the Cushwa Center

The Charles and Margaret Hall Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, located at the University of Notre Dame, now welcomes applications for research grants and postdoctoral fellowships. Details on each opportunity appear below, and further information can be found at


The Cushwa Center offers grants to assist scholars with the travel costs associated with conducting research. There are five types of grants. The application deadline for each grant is December 31, 2019.

1) Research Travel Grants to support the study of Catholics in America through research conducted at the University Archives or other collections at the Hesburgh Libraries at the University of Notre Dame;

2) the Peter R. D’Agostino Research Travel Grants to support the study of the American past from an international perspective by facilitating research in Roman archives for a significant publication project on U.S. Catholic history;

3) the Mother Theodore Guerin Research Travel Grants to support projects that feature Catholic women by facilitating research at any repository in or outside the United States, or traveling to conduct oral history interviews, especially of women religious.

4) the Theodore M. Hesburgh Research Travel Grants to support research projects in any academic discipline that consider and incorporate the work of Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., former president of the University of Notre Dame; and

5) Hibernian Research Awards to support the scholarly study of Irish and Irish American history.


The Cushwa Center also supports postdoctoral research positions for the 2020–2021 academic year. Applications are due January 15, 2020.


Positions are for one year of residency at the University of Notre Dame and could be renewed for a second year. The Postdoctoral Research Associates work on their own research and writing projects while also actively contributing to the work of the Cushwa Center.

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