June 2018: International Symposium Meets in Seville

The International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, organized by the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, begins its two-day proceedings at Seville’s Universidad Loyola Andalucía on June 1. The event is entitled: “Francisco Suárez (1548–1617): Jesuits and Complexities of Modernity.”


As noted in the call for papers, Suárez is “recognized as a philosopher, theologian, and jurist who had a significant cultural impact in the development of modernity.” To commemorate the 400th anniversary of Suárez’s death, the International Symposium on Jesuit Studies of 2018  examines “the work of Suárez and other Jesuits of his time in the context of diverse traditions that came together in Europe between the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance and early modernity.”


Some of the questions to be discussed by scholars at the symposium include: “Can the work of the Jesuits be seen not only as a forerunner of philosophical, political, or legal modernity, but also as an expression of an alternative modernity? What is the relationship between the Ignatian and Jesuit tradition and the development of the work of Suárez and his contemporaries? What elements of the work of Suárez and other Jesuits may today be relevant to face the crisis of modernity?”


More information about this annual event organized by the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies can be found online: https://www.bc.edu/content/bc-web/centers/iajs/programs/international-symposia.html

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