The International Society for Jesuit Studies (SIEJ) welcomes applications for the International Prize for the promotion of postdoctoral studies. The application deadline is May 30, 2020.
According to the call for application, the SIEJ offers the International Prize for the promotion of postdoctoral studies through the Endowment Fund of the EHESS and in cooperation with the European Institute of Cultural Sciences P. Manuel Antunes and in association with CIDH – Alberta University/Doctoral Program in Global Studies.
The prize is intended for scholars who obtained their doctoral degree in France or abroad between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2019 and are engaged in research work, especially based on unpublished Pombaline sources, under the following general theme: “Global studies. Research on the Society of Jesus and other religious orders in the 18th century, on the religious policy of the government of the Marquis de Pombal and on its national and international repercussions.”
Two prizes will be awarded, each with an award of 8.000€ each. Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, Director General of the Endowment Fund, will chair the review committee. Enrollment in the SIEJ is highly recommended.
Details on the application and review processes appear below. More information can be found at the SIEJ’s website:
Requirements of the application file:
– Letter of application
– Post-doctoral research project with chronogram and indication of expected results (written in French or English, and in Spanish, Italian or Portuguese for nationals of the countries concerned, with a maximum length of 10.000 characters)
– Curriculum vitae
– Completion report (when there is a completion report), or copy of the diploma and summary of the thesis
– Two letters of recommendation
– A welcome letter in an EHESS research unit
The complete application file must be sent no later than midnight May 30, 2020, by electronic means only, in a single PDF document named: “NAME.Firstname.GlobalStudiesPrize.pdf”, to the following address: (no incomplete file will be considered)
– May 31, 2020 at midnight: Deadline for submitting application files by email (
– End of June 2020: Ranking of applications by a jury chaired by Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, also including the director of the Doctoral School, Céline Béraud, Joana Balsade Pinho, Charlotte de Castelnau-Lestoile, Pierre Antoine Fabre and José Eduardo
– July 2020: Two prizes are granted in the presence of the President of the EHESS and
the Jury.