November 2019: Call for Papers — The Archives of the Holy See: an Introduction

The Istituto Sangalli in Florence welcomes applications for a weeklong seminar on the Archives of the Holy See. Held in January 2020, this workshop seeks to “introduce young scholars and students in Humanities to the main Archives of the Holy See, with special emphasis on the early-modern and modern period, and how to access and use the documentation preserved therein.” The institute particularly welcomes applications from graduate students studying the early modern and modern periods as well as from “archivists, museum curators, and scholars who are currently working on the history of Roman Catholicism from different points of view.”


Participants will visit the following archives during the weeklong seminar

1) Vatican Secret Archives
2) Historical Archives of the Congregation for the Evangelization of People (de Propaganda Fide)
3) Archives of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
4) Archives of the Vicariate of Rome
5) Archives of the Fabbrica di San Pietro

And lectures will be given on the following topics:
Introduction to Archival Research in Rome; The Vatican Secret Archives: Brief History and Structure; Archival Research in the Archives of the Fabbrica di San Pietro; Archival Research in the Archives of the Vicariate of Rome; Archival Research in the Archives of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Archival Research in the Archives of the Congregation for the Evangelization of People (de Propaganda Fide); Laboratories on Manuscripts & Documents: Language, Scripts, Conventions, Dating & Documentary Typologies.

The lectures and the laboratories will be held, among the others, by Proff. Matteo Binasco (University for foreigners of Siena); Benedetta Borello (University of Cassino); Irene Fosi (University of Chieti), Massimo C. Giannini (University of Teramo); Giuseppe Mrozek Eliszezynski (University of Chieti); Giovanni Pizzorusso (University of Chieti).


Applications are due 1st December 2019. The cost of the program is 1.000,00 €. More information is available at

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