October 2019: Brockey Delivers Feore Family Lecture on Jesuit Studies

On October 1, 2019, the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies welcomes Liam Matthew Brockey of Michigan State University to deliver the Feore Family Lecture on Jesuit Studies. Brockey’s lecture is entitled “Comprehending the World: Jesuits, Language, and Translation in the Early Modern Period.” The event is free and open to the public. Those wishing to attend are asked to register online or contact the Institute (iajs@bc.edu).


The Feore Family Lecture Series seeks to bring the world’s preeminent scholars in the field of Jesuit Studies to Boston College for engagement with the University and the general public. The series also features the presentation of the George E. Ganss, S.J. Award, which recognizes a person’s significant scholarly contributions to the field of Jesuit Studies.


Brockey is an historian of Early Modern Europe and a specialist in the history of Roman Catholicism and the Society of Jesus. Educated at the University of Notre Dame and Brown University, he has written extensively on Jesuit missions in China, Japan, and India, as well as on the Portuguese empire. He is the author of two monographs, Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724 and The Visitor: André Palmeiro and the Jesuits in Asia, and many journal articles. Most recently he and Mónica Leal da Silva have published annotated translations of a selection of the sermons of António Vieira. Brockey has also served as the president of the American Catholic Historical Association and was elected to the Academia Portuguesa da História.


Scholars to have previously delivered the Feore Lecture are: Paul Grendler of the University of Toronto; John O’Malley, SJ, of Georgetown University; John Padberg, SJ, of St. Louis; and John McGreevy, of the University of Notre Dame.


Additional details are available online.

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