Sapienza Università di Roma hosts a two-day conference (September 2-3) on “Visions of ‘Humanity’ and ‘Letters’: Chinese Culture and the Two — Tides of Western Learning, from the Late Ming to Early Modern Times.”
Benjamin Elman of Princeton University will deliver the keynote address entitled “Traduttore, traditore: The Jesuits and the Translation/Construction of Early Modern Science in China via European Humanism, 1600-1800.” The event also features seven panels and a concluding roundtable and set of remarks.
Presentations relevant to the field of Jesuit Studies appear below. More information about the event and a full conference program can be found online:
September 2nd
On the theme of “Humanity”
Panel 1 — Visions of Humanity: the 17th Century
— Thierry Meynard, “Christian ‘Anthropologyi: Gulius Aleni’s Xingxue cushu”
— Liming Song, “Matteo Ricci: the Man and his Writings. On Some Misunderstandings and Misconceptions in Sino-Western Cultural Exchanges”
— Giulia Falato, “Parents, Children, Mutual Duties and Relations: a European Way of Governing the Family by Alfonso Vagnone S.J (1568-1640)”
— Davor Antonucci, “Envisioning the Other: Foreign Populations in Some Jesuits’ Geographical Accounts”
September 3rd
On the theme of “Letters”
Panel 5 — Western and Chinese Practices of wen: Early Encounters
— Sher-shiueh Li,”European Jesuits and Western Rhetoric in Ming-Qing China”
— Paolo De Troia, “The Vision of Letters in Some Jesuit Texts in 16th Century China: Jesuit Translations and Transcultural Exchanges”
— Hui-Hung Chen,”Three Portuguese Jesuits and the Chinese Madonna: A Cultural Encounter among China, Macao and Japan”