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A Jesuit Culture of Records?: The Society of Jesus, the Life Cycle of Administrative Documents, and the Late Medieval and Early Modern History of Bureaucratic Information, by Markus Friedrich

A Jesuit Culture of Records?: The Society of Jesus, the Life Cycle of Administrative Documents, and the Late Medieval and Early Modern History of Bureaucratic Information   Markus Friedrich Universität Hamburg   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.06     Prologue: A Broader Point This essay is part of a broader agenda. Together with […]

A Jesuit Culture of Records?: The Society of Jesus, the Life Cycle of Administrative Documents, and the Late Medieval and Early Modern History of Bureaucratic Information, by Markus Friedrich Read More »

October 2020: Online Presentation at Oxford’s China Centre — “The Invisible City”

On Thursday 29 October 2020, 12:30 pm GMT, the China Centre at Oxford hosts an online presentation “The Invisible City: A Global Microhistory of Europeans and their Social Networks in Eighteenth Century Beijing.” The guest speaker is Eugenio Menegon, an associate professor at Boston University and an affiliated scholar at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit

October 2020: Online Presentation at Oxford’s China Centre — “The Invisible City” Read More »

May 2018: Jesuit-Related Papers at Scientiae conference

The annual Scientiae conference, held this year at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, takes place from May 16-18, 2018. Keynote addresses for this conference dedicated to “disciplines of knowing in the early modern world” will be delivered by Surekha Davies (Western Connecticut State University) and Vladimir Urbanek (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic).   More details

May 2018: Jesuit-Related Papers at Scientiae conference Read More »

March 2018: Jesuit Studies Presentations at the Renaissance Society of America Conference

The Renaissance Society of America annual conference, held in New Orleans from March 22-24, features several presentations related to the field of Jesuit Studies. Summaries of some of the presentations appear below.   More information about the conference and the RSA can be found at:     “‘We Must Stop This Snaking Plague!’: Jesuits and

March 2018: Jesuit Studies Presentations at the Renaissance Society of America Conference Read More »

“Exchange with the United Nations Secretary-General,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

United Nations Secretary-General U Thant welcomed Pedro Arrupe to his New York City office on May 4, 1971. Arrupe’s visit to the United Nations was the first made by the Jesuits’ superior general. The text of the men’s public exchange appears below. Arrupe speaks on behalf of his fellow Jesuits (“relatively few but active in

“Exchange with the United Nations Secretary-General,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

“The Social Commitment of the Society of Jesus,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

The extended selection below is one of four papers Pedro Arrupe wrote and asked be circulated among the members of the Society of Jesus following his meeting with North American provincials in the spring of 1971. Arrupe’s time in California was part of larger visit to the Jesuits’ American Assistancy. The letter by the Superior

“The Social Commitment of the Society of Jesus,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

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