Search Results for: Roch

December 2019: Research seminar and book presentation on the Jesuits in the Low Countries

On December 18, KADOC-KU Leuven, in collaboration with the Jesuitica project of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies and individual researchers at KU Leuven, hosts a research seminar on the “Jesuit in the Low Countries.” A full program for the event appears online and below. The event will also mark the publication of The Survival […]

December 2019: Research seminar and book presentation on the Jesuits in the Low Countries Read More »

November 2019: Conference on Early Modern Jesuit Vocations

The Università degli Studi di Padova hosts a two-day conference with scholarly presentations considering vocations to the Society of Jesus in the early modern period.  The event is sponsored by the Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali.   The conference considers the theme of “vocation”–and in particular the “religious vocation” in its historical, religious,

November 2019: Conference on Early Modern Jesuit Vocations Read More »

October 2019: Sangelli Institute Hosts International Workshop on Education and Culture

A three-day workshop begins October 2 at the Istituto Sangalli in Florence. The event features a number of scholars from around the world to present on the topic “Entangled Knowledges: Education and Culture in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (XIIIth-XIXth C).”   This is the fifth international workshop hosted by the Istituto Sangalli, allowing emerging scholars

October 2019: Sangelli Institute Hosts International Workshop on Education and Culture Read More »

June 2019: Program for 2019 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging Sources: The Tradition and Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus”

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies is pleased to announce the program for its 2019 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies. This event will be the institute’s fifth annual gathering of scholars from around the globe. It will be hosted at Boston College. The event has previously taken place in Boston, Nairobi, and Seville.   This

June 2019: Program for 2019 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging Sources: The Tradition and Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus” Read More »

May 2018: Lyon Hosts Symposium on Jesuits and Protestants

On May 24, a two-day symposium begins at l’Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 to consider Jesuit-Protestant relationships from the Reformation to the 21st century. “Jésuites et protestants, XVIe-XXIe siècles” has been organized by Yves Krumenacker (université Lyon 3) and Philippe Martin (université Lyon 2).   The event features presentations by fifteen scholars on a range

May 2018: Lyon Hosts Symposium on Jesuits and Protestants Read More »

“Communication and International Collaboration,” Pedro Arrupe (1973)

At a meeting of communication specialists, held in Villa Cavalletti in 1973, Father Pedro Arrupe delivered the following brief remarks. His topic was the international collaboration necessary through mass media. “It is my judgment that we can accomplish much more for the service of souls,” Arrupe notes, “if we learn how to use correctly these

“Communication and International Collaboration,” Pedro Arrupe (1973) Read More »

December 2017: Conference on lettere indipetae in Torino

An important conference on the lettere indipetae was held at Torino on 5-6 December. The conference was entitled: “Le lettere indipetae come fonte per la storia della Compagnia di Gesù. Nuove prospettive di ricerca.”   The conference centered on the petitions Jesuits submitted to request missionary assignments abroad. Presenters represented institutions in Italy, Australia, the United

December 2017: Conference on lettere indipetae in Torino Read More »

October 2017: Jesuit-Related Panels at Sixteenth-Century Conference

The annual Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (SCSC) is held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from October 26 to October 29, 2017. The SCSC “promotes scholarship on the early modern era, broadly defined (ca. 1450 – ca. 1660).” The 2017 conference commemorates the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s “95 theses.” Included below are some of the panels and

October 2017: Jesuit-Related Panels at Sixteenth-Century Conference Read More »

Decree 23: “The Jesuit Priestly Apostolate,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

The following decree of the 31st General Congregation of the Society of Jesus responds to several postulata (or petitions) received that contained different concerns on the nature of a Jesuit’s priestly work. Many postulata, according to historian John Padberg, expressed a “fear” that “the present-day Society be too much given over to apostolic works of

Decree 23: “The Jesuit Priestly Apostolate,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

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