Search Results for: Vigo

“The Social Commitment of the Society of Jesus,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

The extended selection below is one of four papers Pedro Arrupe wrote and asked be circulated among the members of the Society of Jesus following his meeting with North American provincials in the spring of 1971. Arrupe’s time in California was part of larger visit to the Jesuits’ American Assistancy. The letter by the Superior

“The Social Commitment of the Society of Jesus,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

“The Jesuit Mission in the University Apostolate,” Pedro Arrupe (1975)

On August 4, 1975, Pedro Arrupe addressed several leading officials at Jesuit universities. The gathering in Rome included rectors, presidents, and principals as well as provincial representatives and the presidents of regional educational associations. Arrupe’s remarks to the group appear below. Those gathered also heard from Cardinal Garrone, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, and

“The Jesuit Mission in the University Apostolate,” Pedro Arrupe (1975) Read More »

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