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December 2017: Conference on Juan Andrés in Mantua

On December 6, 2017, the Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Scienze Lettere e Arti hosts a conference to mark the bicentennial of the death of Jesuit scholar Juan Andrés (1740-1817). Andrés, born in Spain, was a prominent Christian humanist and literary critic. The conference in Mantua, Italy features nine presentations over two sessions. A program, appearing below, […]

December 2017: Conference on Juan Andrés in Mantua Read More »

Decree 4: “Our Mission Today: The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

General Congregation 32 signified a major transition in how the Jesuits understood the connection between their mission and the service of faith and promotion of social justice. That connection was articulated in the congregation’s fourth decree, “Our Mission Today.” “In short,” as the decree’s introduction observes, “our mission today is to preach Jesus Christ and

Decree 4: “Our Mission Today: The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Nosti Profecto (1940)

In July 1940, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of Jesus, Pope Pius XII issued the following apostolic letter to Wlodimir (Włodzimierz) Ledóchowski. Pius notes to the superior general how the Catholic Church “is deeply indebted to your religious society for its glorious record of service.” The letter chronicles some

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Ignatius on Obedience (1553)

After the Spiritual Exercises, perhaps until the publication and translation of his “autobiography,” the writings of Ignatius were perhaps best known for this letter, commonly known as the “Letter on Obedience” to the Province of Portugal. Generations of Jesuits heard it read at table once a month in their refectories. Ignatius writes here during a

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