Search Results for: Celle

“Challenge to Total Commitment,” Pedro Arrupe (1974)

The following address—delivered by Pedro Arrupe to the English scholastics at Heythrop College in January 1974—serves as a challenge for “the young men of the Society” to embrace their vocation with a total commitment. “Jesuit Vocation,” Arrupe states, “is essentially a call to commit ourselves to Christ and His work.” He implores the men: “Please

“Challenge to Total Commitment,” Pedro Arrupe (1974) Read More »

“Our Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow,” Pedro Arrupe (1980)

In September 1980, Jesuit officials gathered at the Jesuit Curia in Rome to consider two elements within Jesuit secondary education: how to genuinely collaborate with the laity and how to apply Decree 4 from the 32nd General Congregation to their work. Pedro Arrupe offered the remarks to conclude the assembly. The Jesuits’ superior general used

“Our Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow,” Pedro Arrupe (1980) Read More »

“Exchange with the United Nations Secretary-General,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

United Nations Secretary-General U Thant welcomed Pedro Arrupe to his New York City office on May 4, 1971. Arrupe’s visit to the United Nations was the first made by the Jesuits’ superior general. The text of the men’s public exchange appears below. Arrupe speaks on behalf of his fellow Jesuits (“relatively few but active in

“Exchange with the United Nations Secretary-General,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

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