Search Results for: de Lage

August 2017: New Translation of The Duties of a Teacher

Jesuit Sources has published a new English translation of The Duties of a Teacher, a handbook issued by the National Education Commission of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1787. Duties was written by Grzegorz Piramowicz, a former Jesuit teacher who sought to guide how grammar school teachers could serve the larger society. According to the publisher, Piramowicz “lays out a […]

August 2017: New Translation of The Duties of a Teacher Read More »

May 2017: Conference in Rome on Catholic Missionaries

Going Native or Remaining Foreign? Catholic Missionaries as Local Agents in Asia (17th to 18th Centuries), a conference in Rome (30 May-1 June), seeks to “compare missionaries’ roles as local agents in different social environments across the Asian continent.”   Panels are centered on communicative settings for missionary work (urban, court, settings, and rural), and presentations include:   “Jesuit

May 2017: Conference in Rome on Catholic Missionaries Read More »

Cardinal of State to Father General Pedro Arrupe on General Congregation 32 (1975)

The Cardinal of State, replying to Pedro Arrupe, provided the responses of Pope Paul VI to the decrees of the 32nd General Congregation. After “carefully” examining the decrees, the pontiff found some “somewhat confusing and could, because of the way they are expressed, give grounds for misinterpretation.” Therefore, Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot provides Arrupe with Paul VI’s “Particular

Cardinal of State to Father General Pedro Arrupe on General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Ignatius on Perfection (1547)

Ignatius addressed this “Letter of Perfection” to the flourishing scholasticate at Coimbra, in Portugal. Though the scholasticate prospered with vocations and zeal, the latter was at times quite indiscreet. Concerned observers felt that Simão Rodrigues, the Portuguese provincial, was too compliant in allowing the scholastics to become “fools for Christ,” in such manifestations as self-flagellation and

Ignatius on Perfection (1547) Read More »

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