Search Results for: Lete

Ignatius on the Society’s Involvement in Studies (1551)

In December 1551, Ignatius had his secretary Juan Alfonso de Polanco write to Antonio Araoz, the provincial of Spain, about the Society’s rapidly developing educational apostolate. What resulted was a concentrated epitome of the early Society’s thinking about this enterprise. Polanco swiftly covers issues of “method” (founding, administration, faculty, structure, content), and “advantages,” both for

Ignatius on the Society’s Involvement in Studies (1551) Read More »

On Jesuit Missionaries in China, Feodosii Smorzhevskii (1746)

In the 1740s, Feodosii Smorzhevskii, a Russian hieromonk in Beijing, reported to his superiors on the work of Jesuit missionaries in China. Both the Russian Orthodox and Catholic missionaries attempted to navigate the labyrinthine world of the Qing imperial court. In the selection below, the Russian hieromonk reveals—in vivid detail—the precarious position of Christians in

On Jesuit Missionaries in China, Feodosii Smorzhevskii (1746) Read More »

“Integrating the Spiritual Life and the Apostolate,” Pedro Arrupe (1976)

In the following letter sent to every Jesuit in the world on November 1, 1976, Pedro Arrupe writes about “our most important concern at present” in the Society of Jesus, namely: “How can we securely strengthen our spiritual life and our apostolate, welding them into a perfectly integrated whole so that what we do really

“Integrating the Spiritual Life and the Apostolate,” Pedro Arrupe (1976) Read More »

“Challenge to Total Commitment,” Pedro Arrupe (1974)

The following address—delivered by Pedro Arrupe to the English scholastics at Heythrop College in January 1974—serves as a challenge for “the young men of the Society” to embrace their vocation with a total commitment. “Jesuit Vocation,” Arrupe states, “is essentially a call to commit ourselves to Christ and His work.” He implores the men: “Please

“Challenge to Total Commitment,” Pedro Arrupe (1974) Read More »

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