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July 2020: New Historiographical Essay on Jesuit Travel

David Salomoni, a postdoctoral researcher at the Project RUTTER—Making the Earth Global, has published “Jesuits on Board: A Reasoned Bibliography on the Early Modern Jesuit Trans-Oceanic Sailing Experiences.” The essay appears as the third installment of the RUTTER: Technical Notes, an open-access serial publication covering topics as diverse as the research activities of the RUTTER

July 2020: New Historiographical Essay on Jesuit Travel Read More »

May 2020: New Open Access Title: Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America

Linda A. Newson has edited a new collection of essays entitled Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America, published by the University of London Press and the Institute of Latin American Studies. Thirteen scholars contribute to essays examining “the diversity of Jesuit contributions to Latin American culture,” from the diverse activities by the

May 2020: New Open Access Title: Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America Read More »

April 2020: Fourth Season of the Jesuit Studies Café Series Closes with Jean-Pascal Gay

The popular Jesuit Studies Café series closes its fourth season on April 24 with a presentation led by Jean-Pascal Gay of the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Gay speaks on “Why Theology Should Matter to Historians. Knowledge and Agency in the Early Modern Society. Around Théophile Raynaud (1583–1665).” Registration for the event is required. The deadline is

April 2020: Fourth Season of the Jesuit Studies Café Series Closes with Jean-Pascal Gay Read More »

April 2020: New Online Catalogue Available for the Irish Jesuit Archives

The Irish Jesuit Archives has begun a new online catalogue, starting with the catalogue of St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, Offaly. Catalogues for two other collections are also now available: one for the Waterford-born Jesuit and Irish language scholar Michael McGrath (1872-1946), and another on the Isle of Man Mission (1826-1837). Further collections will be added as time

April 2020: New Online Catalogue Available for the Irish Jesuit Archives Read More »

February 2020: Program for 2020 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History”

Because of the continuing threat of the coronavirus and various health and safety restrictions, the 2020 International Symposium was originally delayed to June 2021 before being cancelled in its entirety. Below is the original program for the event as scheduled for June 2020.   The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, together with its co-organizer Brotéria, is very

February 2020: Program for 2020 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History” Read More »

February 2020: Call for Applications — Archives of the Religious Orders in Rome

The Istituto Sangalli in Florence welcomes applications for a weeklong seminar on the central archives of religious orders in Rome. Held in June 2020, this workshop will “focus on the archives of some important religious orders and on their materials, providing especially, but non only, to young scholars in Humanities a new perspective on global Catholicism from the

February 2020: Call for Applications — Archives of the Religious Orders in Rome Read More »

January 2020: Jesuit Studies Presentations at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting

The 134th annual meeting of the American Historical Association (January 3–6 in New York, NY) features the following panels and presentations, among others, related to the field of Jesuit Studies:   Panel: Transnational Ties of Jesuits in the United States (link) Chair: Kelly L. Schmidt, Loyola University Chicago Papers: “Reclaiming Catholics: The Image of the

January 2020: Jesuit Studies Presentations at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting Read More »

December 2019: Research seminar and book presentation on the Jesuits in the Low Countries

On December 18, KADOC-KU Leuven, in collaboration with the Jesuitica project of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies and individual researchers at KU Leuven, hosts a research seminar on the “Jesuit in the Low Countries.” A full program for the event appears online and below. The event will also mark the publication of The Survival

December 2019: Research seminar and book presentation on the Jesuits in the Low Countries Read More »

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