Encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas (2017)

The third International Symposium on Jesuit Studies took place at Boston College in June 2017. Its theme considered the encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas.

Several scholars were invited to revise their presentations as formal essays, which were then peer reviewed and published in Encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas available through Brill Publishers. The essays are not available in open access. The contents include:


Introduction: Protestantism and Early Jesuits

— Robert Aleksander Maryks




— R.P. Hsia

We Are Not Jesuits: Reassessing Relations between Protestantism, French Catholicism, and the Society of Jesus in Late Tokugawa to Early Shōwa Japan

— Makoto Harris Takao

Kirishitan Veneration of the Saints: Jesuit and Dutch Witnesses

— Haruko Nawata Ward

Jesuit and Protestant Use of Vernacular Chinese in Accommodation Policy

— Sophie Ling-chia Wei

Shaping the Anthropological Context of the “Salus populi Sinensis” Madonna Icon in Xian, China

— Hui-Hung Chen

Jesuit and Protestant Encounters in Jiangnan: Contest and Cooperation in China’s Lower Yangzi Region

— Steven Pieragastini

Protestant and Jesuit Encounters in India in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

— Délio Mendonça

Beyond Words: Missionary Grammars and the Construction of Language in Tamil Country

— Michelle Zaleski


The Americas

Introduction: Jesuit Liminal Space in Liberal Protestant Modernity

— Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra

José de Acosta, a Spanish Jesuit–Protestant Author: Print Culture, Contingency, and Deliberate Silence in the Making of the Canon

— Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra

Negotiating the Confessional Divide in Dutch Brazil and the Republic: The Case of Manoel de Morães

— Anne B. McGinness

A French Jesuit Parish, without the Jesuits: Grand Bay’s Catholic Community and Institutional Durability in British Dominica

— Steve Lenik

“Tis nothing but French Poison, all of it”: Jesuit and Calvinist Missions on the New World Frontier

— Catherine Ballériaux

“Americans, you are marked for their prey!” Jesuits and the Nineteenth-century Nativist Impulse

— Robert Emmett Curran

Wars of Words: Catholic and Protestant Jesuitism in Nineteenth-Century America

— Steven Mailloux