The delegates to the 33rd General Congregation, in the following decree, confirm the experimental policies on poverty that were put forth by a decree promulgated by the Jesuits’ previous general congregations. As a result, the decree asks that the Holy See likewise confirm these new policies.
For more from the 33rd General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, please consult this page.
1. The 33rd General Congregation, having taken into consideration the replies from the province congregations concerning the experience of the decree, closely examined in its entirety Decree 12 of the 32nd General Congregation, which had been approved “experimentally” by the Holy See.
4. Having carefully considered all these matters, the General Congregation definitively confirms Decree 12 of the 32nd General Congregation and asks, according to the mind of the 32nd General Congregation, the confirmation of the Holy See with regard to nn. 22 and 42 of Decree 12.
3. The Congregation affirms that Decrees 18 and 12, of the 31st and 32nd General Congregations respectively, fully respond to the demands of the poverty of our Institute in today’s circumstances.
4. With the promulgation of the new Statutes on Poverty (Sept. 8, 1976, AR XVI, 911 ff.), nn. 37-39 of Decree 12 of the 32nd General Congregation (“Norms of Transition” and “Recommendations to the Commission for the Revision of the Statutes on Poverty”) cease to have effect. The statutes, as such, possess the authority of ordinations of Father General and in future may be reviewed when and insofar as may be opportune.
Original Source (English translation):
Jesuit Life & Mission Today: The Decrees & Accompanying Documents of the 31st–35th General Congregations of the Society of Jesus, ed. John W. Padberg. St. Louis, Mo.: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2009, General Congregation 33, Decree 2, “On Poverty,” pg. 456 [56–59].