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Decree 2: “Servants of Christ’s Mission,” General Congregation 34 (1995)

All Jesuits, according to the following decree from the 34th General Congregation, “are servants of Christ’s mission,” and all Jesuits have experienced a “time of testing” and a “time of grace” since the general congregations of the 1960s and 1970s.  The delegates at the 34th General Congregation note here now the previous decades have made

Decree 2: “Servants of Christ’s Mission,” General Congregation 34 (1995) Read More »

Decree 1: “United with Christ on Mission,” General Congregation 34 (1995)

The following decree, the first promulgated by the 34th General Congregation, explains that the congregation’s “major work” is the “revision of our law and the orientation of our mission for today.” The delegates went about this work by calling for an “annotated text of the Constitutions,” which would include complementary norms “to enable Jesuits to

Decree 1: “United with Christ on Mission,” General Congregation 34 (1995) Read More »

Decree 1: “Companions of Jesus Sent into Today’s World,” General Congregation 33 (1983)

Appearing below, the first decree promulgated by the 33rd General Congregation (an event convoked to accept the resignation of the Jesuits’ superior general) presents the views of the congregation’s delegates on the state of the Society of Jesus “in today’s world.” It consists of a brief introduction and conclusion but is primarily divided into two,

Decree 1: “Companions of Jesus Sent into Today’s World,” General Congregation 33 (1983) Read More »

Decree 11: “Union of Hearts and Minds in the Society,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

This lengthy decree is the response of the delegates to the 32nd General Congregation to the “rather large number of postulta” (or petitions) they received on the “spiritual life”—especially prayer and obedience—and on common “spiritual discernment,” notes historian John Padberg (see the congregation’s historical preface in Jesuit Life & Mission Today (2009), pg. 274–276). The decree

Decree 11: “Union of Hearts and Minds in the Society,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Decree 29: “Scholarly Work and Research,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

Jesuits were to have “a high regard for scholarly activity, especially scientific research properly so called,” according to the following decree from the 31st General Congregation. The congregation’s delegates continue in the decree to declare that such activity “is a very effective apostolate.” Jesuits assigned to scholarly work should not be swayed by “the illusion

Decree 29: “Scholarly Work and Research,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 21: “The Better Choice and Promotion of Ministries,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

The delegates of the 31st General Congregation assessed the apostolic works of the Society of Jesus and acknowledged that “our labors” were not yielding the desired results. The decree below credits some poor results to a failure to “renew our apostolic or missionary spirit” and a “too great scattering of our forces.” The main reason

Decree 21: “The Better Choice and Promotion of Ministries,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 2: “The Renewal of Our Vows,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

The delegates of the 31st General Congregation promulgated the following decree, which recognizes both the limitations of the reforms encouraged by the Second Vatican Council and Paul VI’s Magno gaudio (1964) as well as the need for change nonetheless. The decree concludes that “the entire government of the Society must be adapted to modern necessities

Decree 2: “The Renewal of Our Vows,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

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