Search Results for: Pira

Decree 15: “Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

The Second Vatican Council asked religious institutes to help spread the love of and the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In response on behalf of their Jesuit brethren, the delegates of the 31st General Congregation of the Society of Jesus affirmed the Sacred Heart as “the center of our own spiritual lives.” Yet,

Decree 15: “Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 13: “Religious Life in General,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

The delegates of the 31st General Congregation introduced a series of decrees, historian John Padberg notes, “on the adaptive renovation of religious life in the Society” with the following statement concerning religious life in general (see the congregation’s historical preface in Jesuit Life & Mission Today (2009), pg. 21). The decree uses inspiration from some of

Decree 13: “Religious Life in General,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 8: “The Spiritual Formation of Jesuits,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

According to historian John Padberg’s historical account of the congregation, Jesuits sent more than 160 postulata (or petitions) on the topic their brethren’s spiritual formation for consideration at the 31st General Congregation (see Jesuit Life & Mission Today (2009), pg. 18–19). That formation, the following decree observes, “is the work of divine grace,” helping Jesuits in

Decree 8: “The Spiritual Formation of Jesuits,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 3: “The Task of the Society Regarding Atheism,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

Pope John VI opened the 31st General Congregation by noting the “fearful danger of atheism threatening human society.” Through the Jesuit delegates gathered for the congregation, the pontiff gave to the entire Society of Jesus (the “champion of the Church and holy religion in adversity”) a special task: “the charge of making a stout, united

Decree 3: “The Task of the Society Regarding Atheism,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 2: “The Renewal of Our Vows,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

The delegates of the 31st General Congregation promulgated the following decree, which recognizes both the limitations of the reforms encouraged by the Second Vatican Council and Paul VI’s Magno gaudio (1964) as well as the need for change nonetheless. The decree concludes that “the entire government of the Society must be adapted to modern necessities

Decree 2: “The Renewal of Our Vows,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

August 2017: New Translation of The Duties of a Teacher

Jesuit Sources has published a new English translation of The Duties of a Teacher, a handbook issued by the National Education Commission of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1787. Duties was written by Grzegorz Piramowicz, a former Jesuit teacher who sought to guide how grammar school teachers could serve the larger society. According to the publisher, Piramowicz “lays out a

August 2017: New Translation of The Duties of a Teacher Read More »

May 2017: Conference in Rome on Catholic Missionaries

Going Native or Remaining Foreign? Catholic Missionaries as Local Agents in Asia (17th to 18th Centuries), a conference in Rome (30 May-1 June), seeks to “compare missionaries’ roles as local agents in different social environments across the Asian continent.”   Panels are centered on communicative settings for missionary work (urban, court, settings, and rural), and presentations include:   “Jesuit

May 2017: Conference in Rome on Catholic Missionaries Read More »

Five Chapters (1539)

The following text was first orally approved by Pope Paul III in 1539. More commonly known as the “Five Chapters,” the document serves the first foundational document of what became the Society of Jesus, stating the key purposes of the proposed religious order. The document was later revised in 1540 (approved in the papal bull

Five Chapters (1539) Read More »

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