Jesuits and Arts Around the World
Beitrag zu der Reihe „Replace Rubens“ von Walid Raad in der Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Köln; Photo: Christopher Clem Franken, © Walid Raad Feeds from our Partners
Jesuits and Arts Around the World Read More »
Beitrag zu der Reihe „Replace Rubens“ von Walid Raad in der Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Köln; Photo: Christopher Clem Franken, © Walid Raad Feeds from our Partners
Jesuits and Arts Around the World Read More »
Mapping our work in the artsConnecting individuals and institutions Beitrag zu der Reihe „Replace Rubens“ von Walid Raad in der Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Köln; Photo: Christopher Clem Franken, © Walid Raad Overview The Society of Jesus has mapped many of its works worldwide. There are maps for social centers, for migration related apostolates, or for
Jesuits and Arts Around the World – Project Read More »
World of Jesuit Archives (WJA) is a collaborative project with Jesuit archives around the world and aims to raise awareness and appreciation of the documentary heritage of the Society of Jesus, the institutions responsible for the conservation of archival material, and the people involved in the management of the collections in which the Society’s history
Archiv České provincie Tovaryšstva Ježíšova Archív Spoločnosti Ježišovej na Slovensku Archives jésuites de France Archives des jésuites au Canada Archivio storico della Provincia Euro-Mediterranea della Compagnia di Gesù Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu Archiwum Prowincji Polski Południowej Towarzystwa Jezusowego British Jesuit Archives Irish Jesuit Archive Jesuit Archives & Research Center
Geohistory is the study of a double relation, of nature to man and of man to nature, the study of action and reaction, mixed, confused, repeated endlessly in the reality of each day.It is indeed the quality, the power of this effort that forces us to reverse the usual approach of the Geographer. Fernand Braudel,
The Portal to Jesuit Studies provides access to a collection of primary sources and scholarship in Jesuit Studies. Explore IAJS Research Tools Jesuit Online Bibliography Bibliographical records of 21st Century Jesuit Studies scholarship Jesuit Studies Digital Collection Repository for digitized documents provided by the IAJS Digital Indipetae Database Transcribed petitions by Jesuits requesting to be sent on Mission
The Portal to Jesuit Studies provides access to a fully searchable collection of primary sources and scholarship in Jesuit Studies. Explore IAJS Research Tools Jesuit Online Bibliography Bibliographical records of 21st Century Jesuit Studies scholarship Jesuit Studies Digital Collection Rrepository for digitized documents provided by the IAJS Digital Indipetae Database Transcribed petitions by Jesuits requesting to be sent
Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society of Jesus Robert E. Scully, S.J. Le Moyne College Originally published: April 20, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.02 Where can and should one draw the line between fact and fiction, norms and ideals, history and hagiography? The