July 2020: New English Translation of Jouvancy’s The Way to Learn and the Way to Teach

Jesuit Sources has published a new English translation of De discendi et docendi ratione, or The Way to Learn and the Way to Teach, by French Jesuit poet, pedagogue, philologist, and historian Joseph de Jouvancy. In this book, Jouvancy describes how young instructors might effectively pursue their own studies during their years of teaching while also detailing the essentials of good teaching.


The new edition by Jesuit Source presents an English translation as well as the Latin of the 1703 edition of Jouvancy’s Ratio, the version produced pursuant to the decree of General Congregation 14, whose authority it invokes on its very frontispiece.


More information is available at Jesuit Sources: https://jesuitsources.bc.edu/the-way-to-learn-and-the-way-to-teach/

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