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“Challenge to Total Commitment,” Pedro Arrupe (1974)

The following address—delivered by Pedro Arrupe to the English scholastics at Heythrop College in January 1974—serves as a challenge for “the young men of the Society” to embrace their vocation with a total commitment. “Jesuit Vocation,” Arrupe states, “is essentially a call to commit ourselves to Christ and His work.” He implores the men: “Please

“Challenge to Total Commitment,” Pedro Arrupe (1974) Read More »

“A New Service of the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1977)

Montreal hosted the Third Inter-American Congress of Religious in November 1977. Pedro Arrupe, as the President of the Union of Superiors General, was invited to address the assembly. In light of the congress’s theme— “The Future of Religious Life that We are Building Together for Tomorrow”—Arrupe’s remarks, appearing below, seek to answer the question, “What

“A New Service of the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1977) Read More »

“Jesuit Formation for Ecumenical Action,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

Pedro Arrupe, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, delivered the following remarks at the 4th International Congress of Jesuit Ecumenists, which was held in Dublin in 1971. “Ecumenism is not a separate field of apostolate,” notes Arrupe, “but is a dimension of all the Church’s mission and therefore of all our apostolates.” In

“Jesuit Formation for Ecumenical Action,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

“On Collaboration with Diocesan Clergy,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

Pedro Arrupe delivered the following remarks to the 1971 Episcopal Synod with Pope Paul VI in attendance. The Jesuits’ superior general—speaking more in his role as president of the Union of Superiors General—uses the occasion to speak on the need for better collaboration between religious orders and diocesan priests. Acknowledging the fraught history of relations

“On Collaboration with Diocesan Clergy,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

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