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A Jesuit Culture of Records?: The Society of Jesus, the Life Cycle of Administrative Documents, and the Late Medieval and Early Modern History of Bureaucratic Information, by Markus Friedrich

A Jesuit Culture of Records?: The Society of Jesus, the Life Cycle of Administrative Documents, and the Late Medieval and Early Modern History of Bureaucratic Information   Markus Friedrich Universität Hamburg   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.06     Prologue: A Broader Point This essay is part of a broader agenda. Together with […]

A Jesuit Culture of Records?: The Society of Jesus, the Life Cycle of Administrative Documents, and the Late Medieval and Early Modern History of Bureaucratic Information, by Markus Friedrich Read More »

Between Identity and History: Giovanni Antonio Valtrino and His Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia di Gesù, by Irene Gaddo

Between Identity and History: Giovanni Antonio Valtrino and His Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia di Gesù   Irene Gaddo Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.03     Introduction Giovanni Antonio Valtrino (1556–1601) began to assemble his Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia (Marvelous vocations to the Society)[1] just after he entered

Between Identity and History: Giovanni Antonio Valtrino and His Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia di Gesù, by Irene Gaddo Read More »

February 2020: Program for 2020 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History”

Because of the continuing threat of the coronavirus and various health and safety restrictions, the 2020 International Symposium was originally delayed to June 2021 before being cancelled in its entirety. Below is the original program for the event as scheduled for June 2020.   The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, together with its co-organizer Brotéria, is very

February 2020: Program for 2020 International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, “Engaging the World: The Jesuits and Their Presence in Global History” Read More »

December 2019: Call for Applications — Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program at the Ricci Institute

The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San Francisco welcomes applications for its Luce Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships for the summer of 2020. The application deadline is January 8, 2020.   Post-doctoral applicants–including researchers and junior faculty members–are invited to submit proposals that would use the vast archival collections at the Ricci Institute

December 2019: Call for Applications — Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program at the Ricci Institute Read More »

August 2018: Symposium on Japanese embassy to Europe, Call for papers

The University of Montpellier 3 has issued a call for papers on its first international symposium on “Cross-cultural encounter as a mediatic enterprise.” The November 2018 in Paris event focuses on Japan’s first embassy to Europe (1582-1590) and subsequent publication of De missione legatorum iaponensium ad Romanam curiam.   After his arrival in Japan in

August 2018: Symposium on Japanese embassy to Europe, Call for papers Read More »

May 2018: Jesuit-Related Papers at Scientiae conference

The annual Scientiae conference, held this year at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, takes place from May 16-18, 2018. Keynote addresses for this conference dedicated to “disciplines of knowing in the early modern world” will be delivered by Surekha Davies (Western Connecticut State University) and Vladimir Urbanek (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic).   More details

May 2018: Jesuit-Related Papers at Scientiae conference Read More »

“On Collaboration with Diocesan Clergy,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

Pedro Arrupe delivered the following remarks to the 1971 Episcopal Synod with Pope Paul VI in attendance. The Jesuits’ superior general—speaking more in his role as president of the Union of Superiors General—uses the occasion to speak on the need for better collaboration between religious orders and diocesan priests. Acknowledging the fraught history of relations

“On Collaboration with Diocesan Clergy,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

“The Jesuit Mission in the University Apostolate,” Pedro Arrupe (1975)

On August 4, 1975, Pedro Arrupe addressed several leading officials at Jesuit universities. The gathering in Rome included rectors, presidents, and principals as well as provincial representatives and the presidents of regional educational associations. Arrupe’s remarks to the group appear below. Those gathered also heard from Cardinal Garrone, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, and

“The Jesuit Mission in the University Apostolate,” Pedro Arrupe (1975) Read More »

Dominus ac Redemptor (1773)

Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Society of Jesus on July 21, 1773. In the preceding decades, the Jesuits had suffered expulsions from the Catholic empires of Portugal (1759), France (1764), and Spain (1767), where they had become handy scapegoats for kings or princes under civic pressure. In Portugal, for example, charges against the Society included

Dominus ac Redemptor (1773) Read More »

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