Search Results for: Rival

January 2018: Presentations on Jesuit Studies at the AHA Conference

The 132nd annual meeting of the American Historical Association (January 4–7 in Washington, D.C.) is centered on the themes of “Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in Global Perspective.”   The conference features the following academic panels and presentations, among others, related to the field of Jesuit Studies:     Thursday, January 4, 1:30PM Panel: “The Digital […]

January 2018: Presentations on Jesuit Studies at the AHA Conference Read More »

Decree 5: “Our Mission and Interreligious Dialogue,” General Congregation 34 (1995)

In the decree below, the Jesuit delegates attending the 34th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus argue, given the worldwide religious diversity and division, that it is “imperative that we collaborate with others to achieve common goals.” The decree offers guidelines for how Jesuits can foster dialogue within the Catholic Church and between different

Decree 5: “Our Mission and Interreligious Dialogue,” General Congregation 34 (1995) Read More »

Decree 14: “The Provincial Congregation,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

Several aspects of the provincial congregations were addressed by the delegates to the 32nd General Congregation. The following decree discusses the election process for a provincial congregation as well as other topics. It stipulates the necessary changes to the Formula of the Provincial Congregation, the guidelines governing the congregation process. For more from the 32nd

Decree 14: “The Provincial Congregation,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

On the Means of Preserving the Spirit of the Society and of Our Vocation (1569)

Francis Borgia, in this letter to the Jesuits in Aquitania, in the southwest of France, provides advice on how best to preserve the spirit of the Society of Jesus. The order’s “rapid growth” reminded Borgia of how “the little grain of mustard,” once “fixing its roots” and “sending forth its branch and steam,” could become

On the Means of Preserving the Spirit of the Society and of Our Vocation (1569) Read More »

Ignatius on Temporal Duties (1552)

Appointed treasurer of the college at Coimbra, the austere Manoel Godinho (who had complained about the governing style of Simão Rodrigues) found his involvement in finances and lawsuits to be incompatible with the spiritual life. He appealed to Ignatius and received from him the following reply. Even “temporal business,” Ignatius notes, can be “spiritual and

Ignatius on Temporal Duties (1552) Read More »

Ignatius on Mission (1549)

William IV, duke of Bavaria, appealed to Pope Paul III and to Ignatius to send several Jesuits as professors of theology to the University of Ingolstadt, an institution that had fallen into severe decline. Alfonso Salmerón, Claude Jay, and Pierre Canisius were chosen for the task. For them, Ignatius writes the following instruction, urging them

Ignatius on Mission (1549) Read More »

Ignatius on Trent (1546)

In the following letter, Ignatius offers instructions to how Diego Laínez, Alfonso Salmerón, and Claude Jay, whom he had sent to the Council of Trent at the order of Pope Paul III, were to deal with others there. He advises the three men to “be slow to speak, deliberate and loving” on matters before the

Ignatius on Trent (1546) Read More »

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