Search Results for: Spani

Visions of Contemplation: Jesuits and Their Rhetoric of Persuasion in Japan, by Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail

Visions of Contemplation: Jesuits and Their Rhetoric of Persuasion in Japan   Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail Indiana University   Originally published: July 14, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.22     When Saint Francis Xavier set sail to India on April 7, 1541,[1] it was about a year before the first Europeans “discovered” Japan.[2] Xavier was nominated núncio apostólico (apostolic […]

Visions of Contemplation: Jesuits and Their Rhetoric of Persuasion in Japan, by Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail Read More »

Early Modern Jesuit Writing of History as an Inspiration for Central European Historians before 1773, by Jakub Zouhar

Early Modern Jesuit Writing of History as an Inspiration for Central European Historians before 1773   Jakub Zouhar[1] Univerzita Hradec Králové   Originally published: April 20, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.23     Introduction The phenomenon of early modern Jesuit historiography and its influence on other scholars in central Europe is of wider than regional importance. Nevertheless, the

Early Modern Jesuit Writing of History as an Inspiration for Central European Historians before 1773, by Jakub Zouhar Read More »

Knowledge and Personal Expectancies: Jesuit Intellectual Culture and Missionary Experience in the Early Jesuit Province of New Spain, by Hugo Zayas-González

Knowledge and Personal Expectancies: Jesuit Intellectual Culture and Missionary Experience in the Early Jesuit Province of New Spain   Hugo Zayas-González Central Michigan University   Originally published: April 20, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.28     On October 28, 1575, Superior General Everard Mercurian (in office 1573–80) explained to Antonio Cordeses, provincial of Aragon, that his decision

Knowledge and Personal Expectancies: Jesuit Intellectual Culture and Missionary Experience in the Early Jesuit Province of New Spain, by Hugo Zayas-González Read More »

Philosophy at the Geopolitical Service of Mission: The Coimbra Jesuits’ “Wirkungsgeographie” (1542–1730), by Mário Santiago de Carvalho

Philosophy at the Geopolitical Service of Mission: The Coimbra Jesuits’ “Wirkungsgeographie” (1542–1730)   Mário Santiago de Carvalho Universidade de Coimbra   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.25     Almost as soon as it had been born, the Society of Jesus rapidly transformed into a “geographical network that virtually encircled the world.”[1] This essay

Philosophy at the Geopolitical Service of Mission: The Coimbra Jesuits’ “Wirkungsgeographie” (1542–1730), by Mário Santiago de Carvalho Read More »

April 2021: Webinar on Early Jesuit Missions

A free webinar takes place on April 16, 2021, on the theme “Translating and Connecting Worlds: Missionary Sources, Religious Diversity and Cultural Pluralism. Experiences from the Past.”   The event is organized by ISEM CNR – National Research Council in the framework of the European Project “ReIReS” (Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies).   “Translating and Connecting

April 2021: Webinar on Early Jesuit Missions Read More »

François Pomey’s Candidatus rhetoricae and its Revisions as Documents of the History of Jesuit Rhetorical Education, by Manfred Kraus

François Pomey’s Candidatus rhetoricae and Its Revisions as Documents of the History of Jesuit Rhetorical Education   Manfred Kraus Universität Tübingen   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.05     Writing the history of Jesuit education is not an easy task. But it gets particularly difficult when it comes to elucidating what actually went

François Pomey’s Candidatus rhetoricae and its Revisions as Documents of the History of Jesuit Rhetorical Education, by Manfred Kraus Read More »

Exploring the Apostleship of Prayer Collection at the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI): Between Archival Analysis and Research Perspectives, by Sergio Palagiano

Exploring the Apostleship of Prayer Collection at the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI): Between Archival Analysis and Research Perspectives   Sergio Palagiano Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.32     The Apostleship of Prayer Collection, kept by the ARSI, constitutes a highly valuable source for research on several different

Exploring the Apostleship of Prayer Collection at the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI): Between Archival Analysis and Research Perspectives, by Sergio Palagiano Read More »

Jesuit Science in America: The Bulletin of the American Association of Jesuit Scientists (1922–66), by Francisco Malta Romeiras

Jesuit Science in America: The Bulletin of the American Association of Jesuit Scientists (1922–66)   Francisco Malta Romeiras Universidade de Lisboa   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.24     Introduction In August 1922, a group of teachers from East Coast colleges and universities established the American Association of Jesuit Scientists. Although it was

Jesuit Science in America: The Bulletin of the American Association of Jesuit Scientists (1922–66), by Francisco Malta Romeiras Read More »

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