Search Results for: Christ

The Kind of Person the Superior General Ought to Be (1558)

This document, a chapter from the Part IX of the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, articulates the desired qualities in the Jesuits’ superior general. Though the Constitutions were not approved until the first General Congregation of 1558, the first Jesuits elected Ignatius as their superior general in April 1541. Ignatius collaborated with Juan Alfonso

The Kind of Person the Superior General Ought to Be (1558) Read More »

Jesuit Sources

Founded at St. Louis in 1961 as the Institute of Jesuit Sources, Jesuit Sources specializes in preserving, maintaining, and expanding for scholars around the world important texts and studies in Jesuit history, spirituality, and pedagogy. It publishes Jesuit primary sources in English translation and auxiliary literature in Jesuit studies and currently features more than 100 volumes.

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October 2015: Conference to Offer “New Perspectives in the Studies on Matteo Ricci”

L’Istituto Confucio at the Università di Macerata hosts an important, three-day conference on new scholarship and perspectives on Matteo Ricci (1552–1610).   “New Perspectives in the Studies on Matteo Ricci” features presentations by 21 scholars from October 21-23, 2015. The event also includes a tour of Ricci’s historical landmarks in Macerata, the birthplace of the noted

October 2015: Conference to Offer “New Perspectives in the Studies on Matteo Ricci” Read More »

October 2015: Published Collection on Jesuit Suppression

Oxford University Press has published The Jesuit Suppression in Global Context: Causes, Events, and Consequences, edited by Jeffrey Burson (Georgia Southern University) and Jonathan Wright (University of Oxford). Contents of this volume include: Plots and rumors of plots: the role of conspiracy in the international campaign against the Society of Jesus, 1758–68, by Dale K. Van

October 2015: Published Collection on Jesuit Suppression Read More »

April 2015: New Book on Early Jesuit Missionaries in Ethiopia

The second volume of Brill’s Jesuit Studies book series is released. According to the publisher, Envoys of a Human God: The Jesuit Mission to Christian Ethiopia, 1557-1632, by Andreu Martínez d’Alòs-Moner, “offers a comprehensive study of the religious mission led by the Society of Jesus in Christian Ethiopia. The mission to Ethiopia was one of

April 2015: New Book on Early Jesuit Missionaries in Ethiopia Read More »

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