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July 2015: New Book on Imago primi saeculi Societatis Iesui, by John O’Malley

John O’Malley’s Art, Controversy, and the Jesuits: The Imago Primi Saeculi, available through St. Joseph’s University Press. The Imago primi saeculi Societatis Iesu, a 952 folio-sized volume of poetry, prose with 127 exquisite copperplate engravings, celebrated the Society’s centenary in 1640. The publisher calls O’Malley’s text, “the most comprehensive study of the important book ever to

July 2015: New Book on Imago primi saeculi Societatis Iesui, by John O’Malley Read More »

June 2015: Certificate in Jesuit Studies Program Opens in Spain

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies beings the inaugural Certificate in Jesuit Studies program. Participants from Japan, Ireland, and throughout the United States begin the program with experiential learning in Spain and Rome as they visit some of the most important sites associated with the history and spirituality of the Society of Jesus. The nine-credit

June 2015: Certificate in Jesuit Studies Program Opens in Spain Read More »

June 2015: Inaugural Symposium on Jesuit Studies Held

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies hosts the inaugural International Symposium on Jesuit Studies at Boston College. The event’s program (available here) features an inauguration by William P. Leahy, S.J., president of Boston College, and three keynote address: John O’Malley on “Aspects of the Distinctiveness of the Society of Jesus;” Paul Grendler on “The Culture of the

June 2015: Inaugural Symposium on Jesuit Studies Held Read More »

May 2015: New Biography of Jesuit Polymath, Juan Eusebio Nieremerg

Brill’s Jesuit Studies book series features its fourth volume, Jesuit Polymath of Madrid: The Literary Enterprise of Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1595-1658) by D. Scott Hendrickson, SJ. The publisher notes: “In Jesuit Polymath of Madrid D. Scott Hendrickson offers the first English-language account of the life and work of Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1595-1658), a leading intellectual

May 2015: New Biography of Jesuit Polymath, Juan Eusebio Nieremerg Read More »

April 2015: New Book on Early Jesuit Missionaries in Ethiopia

The second volume of Brill’s Jesuit Studies book series is released. According to the publisher, Envoys of a Human God: The Jesuit Mission to Christian Ethiopia, 1557-1632, by Andreu Martínez d’Alòs-Moner, “offers a comprehensive study of the religious mission led by the Society of Jesus in Christian Ethiopia. The mission to Ethiopia was one of

April 2015: New Book on Early Jesuit Missionaries in Ethiopia Read More »

March 2015: New One-Volume History of the Jesuits in Italian

Claudio Ferlan, a researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation’s Italian-German Historical Institute in Trento, has published a one-volume history of the Jesuits, I gesuiti.   According to the publisher, il Mulino, Ferlan’s book “offers a detailed history of the Societas Jesu, chronicling its entire development, from the life and works of its founder, Ignatius of Loyola,

March 2015: New One-Volume History of the Jesuits in Italian Read More »

March 2015: First Volumes on Jesuits of English Canada Available

Joseph Gavin’s Teachers of a Nation: Jesuits in English Canada, 1842-2013 and Builders of a Nation: Jesuits in English Canada, 1842-2013 are available as the first installments of the Jesuit History Series published by Novalis. The series will look at the Jesuits of English Canada. In Teachers, Novalis notes, Gavin “focuses on the Jesuits’ role in education in

March 2015: First Volumes on Jesuits of English Canada Available Read More »

November 2014: Suarez Companion Available

Victor Salas and Robert Fastiggi have edited A Companion to Francisco Suarez, a detailed examination of the Jesuit’s philosophical and theological scholasticism. Published through Brill, the volume fourteen essays: Introduction: Francisco Suárez, the Man and His Work, by Victor Salas and Robert Fastigg; Political Thought and Legal Theory in Suárez, by Jean-Paul Coujou; Suárez, Heidegger, and

November 2014: Suarez Companion Available Read More »

September 2014: New Biography of André Palmeiro

Harvard University Press has published Liam Matthew Brockey’s The Visitor: André Palmeiro and the Jesuits in Asia. Brockey examines how Palmeiro inspected missionary work in India following a controversy there surrounding the tactics employed by fellow Jesuit Roberto de Nobili. The publisher notes that this volume “tells the story of a theologian whose extraordinary travels bore

September 2014: New Biography of André Palmeiro Read More »

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