Search Results for: Forget

Address of Pope Benedict XVI to General Congregation 35 (2008)

One month after they elected Alfonso Nicolás to succeed Peter-Hans Kolvenbach as the Jesuits’ superior general, the delegates of the 35th General Congregation gathered, at the pontiff’s invitation, in the Vatican’s Sala Clementina. There, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the men with words of gratitude. He states, “I very much hope, therefore, that the entire Society […]

Address of Pope Benedict XVI to General Congregation 35 (2008) Read More »

Father General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach’s Introductory Discourses for General Congregation 34 (1995)

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, delivered the following remarks, over three days, to open the Jesuits’ 34th General Congregation. Kolvenbach reminds the delegates that their gathering had its “source and origins in the spiritual experience of Ignatius and his first companions,” that, in the words of Ignatius, theirs was “a

Father General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach’s Introductory Discourses for General Congregation 34 (1995) Read More »

Decree 4: “Our Mission Today: The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

General Congregation 32 signified a major transition in how the Jesuits understood the connection between their mission and the service of faith and promotion of social justice. That connection was articulated in the congregation’s fourth decree, “Our Mission Today.” “In short,” as the decree’s introduction observes, “our mission today is to preach Jesus Christ and

Decree 4: “Our Mission Today: The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Cardinal of State to Father General Pedro Arrupe on General Congregation 32 (1975)

The Cardinal of State, replying to Pedro Arrupe, provided the responses of Pope Paul VI to the decrees of the 32nd General Congregation. After “carefully” examining the decrees, the pontiff found some “somewhat confusing and could, because of the way they are expressed, give grounds for misinterpretation.” Therefore, Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot provides Arrupe with Paul VI’s “Particular

Cardinal of State to Father General Pedro Arrupe on General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Magna cum iucunditate (1955)

Pope Pius XII wrote the following apostolic blessing to Jean-Baptiste Janssens, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, to mark the 400th anniversary of the death of Ignatius. The pope urges those in the Society to “carry forward with untiring earnestness, especially in the spiritual sphere, all your activities, your ministries and everything by

Magna cum iucunditate (1955) Read More »

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