Search Results for: Uría

Address of Pope Benedict XVI to General Congregation 35 (2008)

One month after they elected Alfonso Nicolás to succeed Peter-Hans Kolvenbach as the Jesuits’ superior general, the delegates of the 35th General Congregation gathered, at the pontiff’s invitation, in the Vatican’s Sala Clementina. There, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the men with words of gratitude. He states, “I very much hope, therefore, that the entire Society […]

Address of Pope Benedict XVI to General Congregation 35 (2008) Read More »

John Paul II’s Homily to the Members of the 33rd General Congregation (1983)

At the Mass opening the 33rd General Congregation, Pope John Paul II offered the following homily. The pontiff declares a special interest in the Jesuits’ gathering, as the “General Congregation is an event that is destined also to have some important repercussions in the life of the Church.” He remained at the Jesuits’ Curia (or

John Paul II’s Homily to the Members of the 33rd General Congregation (1983) Read More »

Homage to Father General Pedro Arrupe, Fr. Paolo Dezza (1983)

At the 33rd General Congregation, Fr. Paolo Dezza offered the following remarks in accepting the resignation of Pedro Arrupe as superior general. Arrupe had suffered a debilitating stroke in 1981. Dezza extends, on behalf of Jesuits everywhere, “an official and public expression of the Society’s esteem, affection, and gratitude” to Arrupe. Arrupe was the first

Homage to Father General Pedro Arrupe, Fr. Paolo Dezza (1983) Read More »

Father General Pedro Arrupe to General Congregation 33 (1983)

Arrupe suffered a debilitating stroke in August 1981, during his sixteenth year as superior general of the Society of Jesus. Rejecting Arrupe’s preferred replacement, Pope John Paul II appointed Paolo Dezza as the Jesuits’ interim superior until a general congregation could gather to elect Arrupe’s replacement. Greeting the delegates, Arrupe was confined to a wheelchair

Father General Pedro Arrupe to General Congregation 33 (1983) Read More »

Fathers General

The Society of Jesus—much like “all well-organized communities or congregations”—appoints a person “whose proper duty,” according to the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, “is to attend to the universal good.” For the Jesuits in particular, the superior general’s “duty is the good government, preservation, and growth of the whole body of the Society.” (Rather

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The Portal’s Collaborators

The Portal’s editors welcome collaborative partners to provide free online access to the some of the richest content associated with the history, spirituality, educational heritage, and pedagogical approach of the Society of Jesus. The Portal’s editors are very pleased to acknowledge the collaborative assistance they receive from the following institutions:     Archivum Romanum Societatis

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