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Decree 8: “Grades in the Society of Jesus,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

As did the delegates in the previous congregation, the delegates of 32nd General Congregation examined the topic of grades within the Society of Jesus. The following decree endorses the promotion of “the participation of the temporal coadjutors in the life and apostolic activity of the Society,” as did a decree from the previous congregation. For […]

Decree 8: “Grades in the Society of Jesus,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Decree 7: “Tertianship,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

The 31st General Congregation’s tenth decree encouraged “new experiments” with the structure of the tertianship process, the time just before a Jesuit makes final vows. In the following decree, the delegates to the 32nd General Congregation revisit the topic. The decree approves two plans for tertianship to be adopted by in “different provinces and regions”

Decree 7: “Tertianship,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Decree 6: “The Formation of Jesuits,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

The delegates to the 32nd General Congregation approved the following decree, a lengthy statement on the process of Jesuit formation in light of the “many changes in the world at large.” The influence of those changes meant that “constant adaptation is required in order to be sure of achieving the essential purpose of our formation.”

Decree 6: “The Formation of Jesuits,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Decree 5: “The Work of Inculturation of the Faith and the Promotion of Christian Life,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

According to historian John Padberg, there was “something new” in the decision by the delegates at the 32nd General Congregation to issue the following decree, specifically commenting on the “work of inculturation of the faith and promotion of Christian life.” Padberg observes that previous congregations did not address the topic (see the congregation’s historical preface

Decree 5: “The Work of Inculturation of the Faith and the Promotion of Christian Life,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Decree 3: “Fidelity of the Society to the Magisterium and the Supreme Pontiff,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

The delegates of the 32nd General Congregation, in the following decree, reaffirm the “reverence and fidelity which all Jesuits should have toward the magisterium of the Church and in a special way toward” the pope. Their decree also regrets that “some members of the Society” had failed to adhere to the “long and venerable tradition

Decree 3: “Fidelity of the Society to the Magisterium and the Supreme Pontiff,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Decree 1: “Introductory Decree,” General Congregation 32 (1975)

The 32nd General Congregation of the Society of Jesus convened nearly a decade after the previous congregation closed in 1966. During the intervening years, as the following decree states, “the life of the Society has been an effort under the leadership of Father General to implement the decrees of the 31st General Congregation.” So, rather

Decree 1: “Introductory Decree,” General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Decree 56: “Powers Granted to the Father General,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

The delegates to the 31st General Congregation empowered the superior general with certain authorities to act after the congregation closed. The following decree articulates those areas of responsibility, which are in keeping with those given by previous congregations to the superior general. For more from the 31st General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, please

Decree 56: “Powers Granted to the Father General,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 55: “Abrogation and Revision of Certain Decrees,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

The following decree outlines some changes to the Collection of Decrees as a result of the decisions made by the delegates to the 31st General Congregation. For more from the 31st General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, please consult this page.     1.     In the Collection of Decrees decrees 21; 75, §3;

Decree 55: “Abrogation and Revision of Certain Decrees,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 54: “Prior Censorship of Books,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

Postulta (or petitions) sent by Jesuits in advance of the 31st General Congregation requested that the congregation’s delegates revise the norms that previously censored some books. The delegates, in the following decree, respond to those requests by giving the superior general the authority to later “adapt the particular norms of our own law in this

Decree 54: “Prior Censorship of Books,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

Decree 53: “The Catalog of Censures and Precepts,” General Congregation 31 (1966)

Historian John Padberg observes that the delegates to the 31st General Congregation did not have the necessary time or expertise to properly revise the Jesuits’ catalog of censures and precepts (see the congregation’s historical preface in Jesuit Life & Mission Today (2009), pg. 39). Therefore, the delegates gave authority to the superior general to “abrogate the

Decree 53: “The Catalog of Censures and Precepts,” General Congregation 31 (1966) Read More »

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