Search Results for: Pira

“Our Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow,” Pedro Arrupe (1980)

In September 1980, Jesuit officials gathered at the Jesuit Curia in Rome to consider two elements within Jesuit secondary education: how to genuinely collaborate with the laity and how to apply Decree 4 from the 32nd General Congregation to their work. Pedro Arrupe offered the remarks to conclude the assembly. The Jesuits’ superior general used

“Our Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow,” Pedro Arrupe (1980) Read More »

“Jesuit Formation for Ecumenical Action,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

Pedro Arrupe, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, delivered the following remarks at the 4th International Congress of Jesuit Ecumenists, which was held in Dublin in 1971. “Ecumenism is not a separate field of apostolate,” notes Arrupe, “but is a dimension of all the Church’s mission and therefore of all our apostolates.” In

“Jesuit Formation for Ecumenical Action,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

“Exchange with the United Nations Secretary-General,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

United Nations Secretary-General U Thant welcomed Pedro Arrupe to his New York City office on May 4, 1971. Arrupe’s visit to the United Nations was the first made by the Jesuits’ superior general. The text of the men’s public exchange appears below. Arrupe speaks on behalf of his fellow Jesuits (“relatively few but active in

“Exchange with the United Nations Secretary-General,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

“Relevance of the Society and its Apostolate in the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

The Major Superiors Conference of India was held at Bombay, India, in April 1971. Pedro Arrupe participated in that meeting. The father general also delivered an address to a large gathering of Jesuits—including those who were attending the conference, members of Bombay Province, and others who traveled to hear the speech—at the St. Stanislaus’ School

“Relevance of the Society and its Apostolate in the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

“The Social Commitment of the Society of Jesus,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

The extended selection below is one of four papers Pedro Arrupe wrote and asked be circulated among the members of the Society of Jesus following his meeting with North American provincials in the spring of 1971. Arrupe’s time in California was part of larger visit to the Jesuits’ American Assistancy. The letter by the Superior

“The Social Commitment of the Society of Jesus,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

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