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“Fraternal Collaboration in Evangelization,” Pedro Arrupe (1979)

“This task of direct evangelization by the preaching of Jesus Christ remains essential today and must be continued,” stated Decree 4 from the 32nd General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, “since never before have there been so many people who have never, heard the Word of Christ the Savior.” Four years after that gathering […]

“Fraternal Collaboration in Evangelization,” Pedro Arrupe (1979) Read More »

Decree 26: “Conclusion: Characteristics of Our Way of Proceeding,” General Congregation 34 (1995)

The final decree promulgated by the 34th General Congregation articulates the delegates’ views on the combination of “certain attitudes, values, and patterns of behavior” that forms the “Jesuit way of proceeding.” Among that way’s components, according to this decree, are a “deep personal love for Christ,” being a “contemplative in action,” being part of the

Decree 26: “Conclusion: Characteristics of Our Way of Proceeding,” General Congregation 34 (1995) Read More »

Nosti Profecto (1940)

In July 1940, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of Jesus, Pope Pius XII issued the following apostolic letter to Wlodimir (Włodzimierz) Ledóchowski. Pius notes to the superior general how the Catholic Church “is deeply indebted to your religious society for its glorious record of service.” The letter chronicles some

Nosti Profecto (1940) Read More »

On the Means of Preserving the Spirit of the Society and of Our Vocation (1569)

Francis Borgia, in this letter to the Jesuits in Aquitania, in the southwest of France, provides advice on how best to preserve the spirit of the Society of Jesus. The order’s “rapid growth” reminded Borgia of how “the little grain of mustard,” once “fixing its roots” and “sending forth its branch and steam,” could become

On the Means of Preserving the Spirit of the Society and of Our Vocation (1569) Read More »

Ignatius on Obedience (1554)

A Neapolitan woman had started a home for six or seven abandoned girls, whom she brought to the Jesuit church for the sacraments. She rented a house next door to the Jesuits, where the girls’ windows looked onto the men’s rooms. When she refused to move, the Jesuit superior, Alfonso Salmerón, threatened to deny the

Ignatius on Obedience (1554) Read More »

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