Search Results for: del Río

Ignatius on Prayer (1548)

Early in 1548, Francis Borgia, duke of Gandía, made his profession in the Society of Jesus, but he did so in secret since he was not yet able to renounce his dukedom. Still, Borgia indulged his penchant for long hours of prayer and rigorous penance to the extent that he damaged his health. Ignatius himself […]

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Ignatius on Poverty (1547)

A college in Padua was insufficiently supported by its founder, Andrea Lippomani. Lippomani had hosted Jesuit scholastics in Padua as early as 1542. The Venetian government, though, stalled negotiations to transfer Lippomani’s bequest to the Society intended to support a college in the city, doing so despite a bull by Pope Paul III in support

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Formula the Institute (1540)

The following text is the “Formula of the Institute” composed by St. Ignatius and his first companions in 1539 as a kind of charter or mission statement for the new Society of Jesus. It was inserted with minor revisions into the 1540 bull Regimini militantis Ecclesiae, in which Pope Paul III formally approved the foundation

Formula the Institute (1540) Read More »

Fathers General

The Society of Jesus—much like “all well-organized communities or congregations”—appoints a person “whose proper duty,” according to the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, “is to attend to the universal good.” For the Jesuits in particular, the superior general’s “duty is the good government, preservation, and growth of the whole body of the Society.” (Rather

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January 2017: Ganson an In-Residence Fellow at the Institute

Barbara Ganson, professor of History and director of Caribbean and Latin American Studies at Florida Atlantic University, starts her Senior Research Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Jesuit Studies. She will remain in residence during the spring semester to work on a translation and edited volume of Peruvian Jesuit missionary Antonio Ruiz de Montoya’s Conquista

January 2017: Ganson an In-Residence Fellow at the Institute Read More »

Jesuit Online Library

The Jesuit Online Library allows users to search 39 Jesuit titles, across more than 150,000 pages in more than 1,000 volumes, simultaneously or to browse single volumes individually. Full-text searches can be refined by title, date, publication, or author.   To learn more about the titles of books and journals in English, French, German, Spanish, Latin,

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May 2016: Selected Symposium Presentations in Open Access

The first volume based the International Symposia on Jesuit Studies has been published as part of Brill’s Jesuit Studies book series.   Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ways of Proceeding within the Society of Jesus offers an introductory essay and 12 chapters. According to the publisher, “The volume theme is the distinctiveness of Jesuits and

May 2016: Selected Symposium Presentations in Open Access Read More »

March 2015: New One-Volume History of the Jesuits in Italian

Claudio Ferlan, a researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation’s Italian-German Historical Institute in Trento, has published a one-volume history of the Jesuits, I gesuiti.   According to the publisher, il Mulino, Ferlan’s book “offers a detailed history of the Societas Jesu, chronicling its entire development, from the life and works of its founder, Ignatius of Loyola,

March 2015: New One-Volume History of the Jesuits in Italian Read More »

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