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“Regulations for Our Black People”: Reconstructing the Experiences of Enslaved People in the United States through Jesuit Records, by Kelly L. Schmidt

“Regulations for Our Black People”: Reconstructing the Experiences of Enslaved People in the United States through Jesuit Records Kelly L. Schmidt Loyola University Chicago Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.12 In the Jesuit Archives and Research Center in Saint Louis, Missouri, there are only two folders labeled “Slaves, Slavery.” One is housed in the […]

“Regulations for Our Black People”: Reconstructing the Experiences of Enslaved People in the United States through Jesuit Records, by Kelly L. Schmidt Read More »

Cover Letter to the Revised Ratio studiorum, Jan Roothaan (1832)

The 20th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, held in 1820, the first following the Jesuits’ restoration, offered an opportunity for the religious order to respond to the system of state-sponsored, or at least state-sanctioned, schools that had emerged since its suppression in 1773. The restored Jesuits faced the challenge of adjusting to the

Cover Letter to the Revised Ratio studiorum, Jan Roothaan (1832) Read More »

On Jesuit Missionaries in China, Feodosii Smorzhevskii (1746)

In the 1740s, Feodosii Smorzhevskii, a Russian hieromonk in Beijing, reported to his superiors on the work of Jesuit missionaries in China. Both the Russian Orthodox and Catholic missionaries attempted to navigate the labyrinthine world of the Qing imperial court. In the selection below, the Russian hieromonk reveals—in vivid detail—the precarious position of Christians in

On Jesuit Missionaries in China, Feodosii Smorzhevskii (1746) Read More »

“Challenge to Total Commitment,” Pedro Arrupe (1974)

The following address—delivered by Pedro Arrupe to the English scholastics at Heythrop College in January 1974—serves as a challenge for “the young men of the Society” to embrace their vocation with a total commitment. “Jesuit Vocation,” Arrupe states, “is essentially a call to commit ourselves to Christ and His work.” He implores the men: “Please

“Challenge to Total Commitment,” Pedro Arrupe (1974) Read More »

“Our Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow,” Pedro Arrupe (1980)

In September 1980, Jesuit officials gathered at the Jesuit Curia in Rome to consider two elements within Jesuit secondary education: how to genuinely collaborate with the laity and how to apply Decree 4 from the 32nd General Congregation to their work. Pedro Arrupe offered the remarks to conclude the assembly. The Jesuits’ superior general used

“Our Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow,” Pedro Arrupe (1980) Read More »

“Relevance of the Society and its Apostolate in the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

The Major Superiors Conference of India was held at Bombay, India, in April 1971. Pedro Arrupe participated in that meeting. The father general also delivered an address to a large gathering of Jesuits—including those who were attending the conference, members of Bombay Province, and others who traveled to hear the speech—at the St. Stanislaus’ School

“Relevance of the Society and its Apostolate in the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

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