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Invisible Histories, Silenced Histories of the Philippines: The Labor evangélica: Ministerios apostólicos de los obreros de la Compañía de Jesús; Segunda parte (c.1701) by the Jesuit Diego de Oña (1655–1721), by Alexandre Coello de la Rosa

Invisible Histories, Silenced Histories of the Philippines: The Labor evangélica: Ministerios apostólicos de los obreros de la Compañía de Jesús; Segunda parte (c.1701) by the Jesuit Diego de Oña (1655–1721)   Alexandre Coello de la Rosa Universitat Pompeu Fabra   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.13     From the early years of his […]

Invisible Histories, Silenced Histories of the Philippines: The Labor evangélica: Ministerios apostólicos de los obreros de la Compañía de Jesús; Segunda parte (c.1701) by the Jesuit Diego de Oña (1655–1721), by Alexandre Coello de la Rosa Read More »

Between Identity and History: Giovanni Antonio Valtrino and His Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia di Gesù, by Irene Gaddo

Between Identity and History: Giovanni Antonio Valtrino and His Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia di Gesù   Irene Gaddo Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli   Originally published: March 1, 2021 DOI: 10.51238/ISJS.2019.03     Introduction Giovanni Antonio Valtrino (1556–1601) began to assemble his Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia (Marvelous vocations to the Society)[1] just after he entered

Between Identity and History: Giovanni Antonio Valtrino and His Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia di Gesù, by Irene Gaddo Read More »

July 2020: New English Translation of Jouvancy’s The Way to Learn and the Way to Teach

Jesuit Sources has published a new English translation of De discendi et docendi ratione, or The Way to Learn and the Way to Teach, by French Jesuit poet, pedagogue, philologist, and historian Joseph de Jouvancy. In this book, Jouvancy describes how young instructors might effectively pursue their own studies during their years of teaching while also detailing the

July 2020: New English Translation of Jouvancy’s The Way to Learn and the Way to Teach Read More »

“Relevance of the Society and its Apostolate in the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

The Major Superiors Conference of India was held at Bombay, India, in April 1971. Pedro Arrupe participated in that meeting. The father general also delivered an address to a large gathering of Jesuits—including those who were attending the conference, members of Bombay Province, and others who traveled to hear the speech—at the St. Stanislaus’ School

“Relevance of the Society and its Apostolate in the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

“Religious Evangelization during Crisis,” Pedro Arrupe (1976)

Journalist Renzo Giacomelli of the Vatican Radio Station conducted an interview with Pedro Arrupe in December 1976. A transcript of that exchange appears below. Among the topics considered is how men and women from religious orders can evangelize and develop man, especially when, as Giacomelli notes, “the crisis of religious institutes is widespread and profound.”

“Religious Evangelization during Crisis,” Pedro Arrupe (1976) Read More »

Decree 2: “Servants of Christ’s Mission,” General Congregation 34 (1995)

All Jesuits, according to the following decree from the 34th General Congregation, “are servants of Christ’s mission,” and all Jesuits have experienced a “time of testing” and a “time of grace” since the general congregations of the 1960s and 1970s.  The delegates at the 34th General Congregation note here now the previous decades have made

Decree 2: “Servants of Christ’s Mission,” General Congregation 34 (1995) Read More »

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

Founded at Boston College in 2014, the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies seeks to deepen understanding and appreciation for the history, spirituality, educational heritage, and pedagogical approaches of the Society of Jesus. The Institute hopes to serve as a dynamic and collaborative scholarly resource—both at Boston College and around the world—for important coursework, publications, symposia,

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies Read More »

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