Search Results for: Poli

October 2017: Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Jesuits Now Available

Edited by Thomas Worcester, S.J., The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Jesuits is now available in print. The encyclopedia, according to the publisher, “opens up the complexities of Jesuit history and explores the current life and work of this Catholic religious order and its global vocation.” The single-volume work totals 930 pages. In all, 110 authors contributed […]

October 2017: Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Jesuits Now Available Read More »

August 2017: New Cultural History of the Jesuit Missions in Paraguay

Girolamo Imbruglia has published The Jesuit Missions of Paraguay and a Cultural History of Utopia (1568-1789). The new books “explores the religious foundations of the Jesuit missions in Paraguay, and the discussion of the missionary experience in the public opinion of early modern Europe, from Montaigne to Diderot,” according to Brill Publishers.   In particular,

August 2017: New Cultural History of the Jesuit Missions in Paraguay Read More »

August 2017: New Translation of The Duties of a Teacher

Jesuit Sources has published a new English translation of The Duties of a Teacher, a handbook issued by the National Education Commission of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1787. Duties was written by Grzegorz Piramowicz, a former Jesuit teacher who sought to guide how grammar school teachers could serve the larger society. According to the publisher, Piramowicz “lays out a

August 2017: New Translation of The Duties of a Teacher Read More »

July 2017: Conference on Catholic and Protestant Encounters in Africa

Between July 11 and July 14 in Nairobi, the Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (JHIA) hosts an important scholarly conference examining historical encounters between Catholics and Protestants in Africa. The event, marking the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, gathers more than 20 scholars to consider the “ecumenical important” of those encounters, addressing such questions

July 2017: Conference on Catholic and Protestant Encounters in Africa Read More »

Jesuit Online Library Titles

The Jesuit Online Library includes the following 14 titles, consisting of nearly 100,000 pages in 700 volumes. To suggest other titles for inclusion in the Jesuit Online Library or to grant permission for titles to be digitized and added, please contact the Portal’s editors (     Journals Jesuit Educational Quarterly Published by Jesuit Educational

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Homily of Father General Adolfo Nicolás at the Mass of Thanksgiving (2008)

Nicolás delivered the following homily in Rome’s Church of the Gesù on January 20, 2008. The day before, the 217 members of General Congregation 35 had elected Nicolás, the former provincial of Japan and president of the Conference of Major Superiors of East Asia and Oceania, as their order’s new general. For more from the

Homily of Father General Adolfo Nicolás at the Mass of Thanksgiving (2008) Read More »

Decree 2: “A Fire that Kindles Other Fires,” General Congregation 35 (2008)

In 1965, the Second Vatican Council issued Perfectae caritatis, a proclamation that mandated religious orders seek renewal through reflection and honoring “their founders’ spirit and special aims.” In 2008, the delegates at the 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, in part, responded to that mandate with their second decree, “A Fire that Kindles

Decree 2: “A Fire that Kindles Other Fires,” General Congregation 35 (2008) Read More »

Address of Pope Benedict XVI to General Congregation 35 (2008)

One month after they elected Alfonso Nicolás to succeed Peter-Hans Kolvenbach as the Jesuits’ superior general, the delegates of the 35th General Congregation gathered, at the pontiff’s invitation, in the Vatican’s Sala Clementina. There, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the men with words of gratitude. He states, “I very much hope, therefore, that the entire Society

Address of Pope Benedict XVI to General Congregation 35 (2008) Read More »

Father General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach’s Introductory Discourses for General Congregation 34 (1995)

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, delivered the following remarks, over three days, to open the Jesuits’ 34th General Congregation. Kolvenbach reminds the delegates that their gathering had its “source and origins in the spiritual experience of Ignatius and his first companions,” that, in the words of Ignatius, theirs was “a

Father General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach’s Introductory Discourses for General Congregation 34 (1995) Read More »

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