Search Results for: Poli

May 2016: Selected Symposium Presentations in Open Access

The first volume based the International Symposia on Jesuit Studies has been published as part of Brill’s Jesuit Studies book series.   Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ways of Proceeding within the Society of Jesus offers an introductory essay and 12 chapters. According to the publisher, “The volume theme is the distinctiveness of Jesuits and […]

May 2016: Selected Symposium Presentations in Open Access Read More »

May 2016: New Book of Berrigan Correspondence

Daniel Cosacchi and Eric Martin, both doctoral students at American Jesuit universities (Loyola University Chicago and Fordham University, respectively) have published a selection of the correspondence between Daniel and Philip Berrigan. The Berrigan Letters, available through Orbis Books, spans seven decades of correspondence between, what the publisher describes as, “the brothers famed for their social

May 2016: New Book of Berrigan Correspondence Read More »

April 2016: Menegon and Flores Present on Courtly Lives of Jesuit Missionaries

On April 13, the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies welcomes Eugenio Menegon, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute, and Jorge Flores, professor of Early Modern Global History at the European University Institute in Florence, to Boston College as they present papers on the “‘Global Courts’ of Early Modern India and China: Jesuit Accounts of Imperial

April 2016: Menegon and Flores Present on Courtly Lives of Jesuit Missionaries Read More »

October 2015: Conference to Offer “New Perspectives in the Studies on Matteo Ricci”

L’Istituto Confucio at the Università di Macerata hosts an important, three-day conference on new scholarship and perspectives on Matteo Ricci (1552–1610).   “New Perspectives in the Studies on Matteo Ricci” features presentations by 21 scholars from October 21-23, 2015. The event also includes a tour of Ricci’s historical landmarks in Macerata, the birthplace of the noted

October 2015: Conference to Offer “New Perspectives in the Studies on Matteo Ricci” Read More »

July 2015: New Collection on Laínez Published by IHSI

An extensive account, Diego Laínez (1512-1565) and His Generalate, has been published by Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu (IHSI). Paul Oberholzer S.J. edits the multi-volume examination of the “Jesuit with Jewish Roots, Close Confidant of Ignatius of Loyola, [and] Preeminent Theologian of the Council of Trent.” Adolfo Nicolas, the sitting superior general, offers some introductory remarks. In

July 2015: New Collection on Laínez Published by IHSI Read More »

April 2015: New Book on Early Jesuit Missionaries in Ethiopia

The second volume of Brill’s Jesuit Studies book series is released. According to the publisher, Envoys of a Human God: The Jesuit Mission to Christian Ethiopia, 1557-1632, by Andreu Martínez d’Alòs-Moner, “offers a comprehensive study of the religious mission led by the Society of Jesus in Christian Ethiopia. The mission to Ethiopia was one of

April 2015: New Book on Early Jesuit Missionaries in Ethiopia Read More »

March 2015: New One-Volume History of the Jesuits in Italian

Claudio Ferlan, a researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation’s Italian-German Historical Institute in Trento, has published a one-volume history of the Jesuits, I gesuiti.   According to the publisher, il Mulino, Ferlan’s book “offers a detailed history of the Societas Jesu, chronicling its entire development, from the life and works of its founder, Ignatius of Loyola,

March 2015: New One-Volume History of the Jesuits in Italian Read More »

November 2014: Suarez Companion Available

Victor Salas and Robert Fastiggi have edited A Companion to Francisco Suarez, a detailed examination of the Jesuit’s philosophical and theological scholasticism. Published through Brill, the volume fourteen essays: Introduction: Francisco Suárez, the Man and His Work, by Victor Salas and Robert Fastigg; Political Thought and Legal Theory in Suárez, by Jean-Paul Coujou; Suárez, Heidegger, and

November 2014: Suarez Companion Available Read More »

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