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Jesuit Online Library Titles

The Jesuit Online Library includes the following 14 titles, consisting of nearly 100,000 pages in 700 volumes. To suggest other titles for inclusion in the Jesuit Online Library or to grant permission for titles to be digitized and added, please contact the Portal’s editors (     Journals Jesuit Educational Quarterly Published by Jesuit Educational […]

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March 2017: Jesuit Studies Roundtable at Loyola-Chicago

Loyola University Chicago hosted a Jesuit Studies Roundtable in advance of the annual Renaissance Society of America conference. Organized by Emanuele Colombo (Depaul University) and Stephen Schloesser (Loyola), the workshop consisted of presentations of current and future scholarly and digital projects. Presenting were: Scott Hendrickson, SJ, on “Continued Research on Juan Eusebio Nieremberg, SJ (1595-1658)”;

March 2017: Jesuit Studies Roundtable at Loyola-Chicago Read More »

Homily of Father General Adolfo Nicolás at the Mass of Thanksgiving (2008)

Nicolás delivered the following homily in Rome’s Church of the Gesù on January 20, 2008. The day before, the 217 members of General Congregation 35 had elected Nicolás, the former provincial of Japan and president of the Conference of Major Superiors of East Asia and Oceania, as their order’s new general. For more from the

Homily of Father General Adolfo Nicolás at the Mass of Thanksgiving (2008) Read More »

Ignatius on Scruples (1556)

Valentín Marín, a young Spanish Jesuit working in Sicily, was known as an excellent preacher despite having a disagreeable voice. His superior greatly praised him for his learning and his holiness. But Marín was constantly beset by scruples. Ignatius, who took a personal interest in the young man’s troubles, had earlier instructed his provincial and

Ignatius on Scruples (1556) Read More »

Ignatius on Language (1556)

With this letter written by Juan Alfonso de Polanco, Ignatius orders the Society’s rectors to ensure that the local languages were used throughout all the Jesuit houses. Ignatius had ordered this previously and repeated it at the beginning of the year. This policy sought to enable the Jesuits not only to speak to those whom

Ignatius on Language (1556) Read More »

Fathers General

The Society of Jesus—much like “all well-organized communities or congregations”—appoints a person “whose proper duty,” according to the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, “is to attend to the universal good.” For the Jesuits in particular, the superior general’s “duty is the good government, preservation, and growth of the whole body of the Society.” (Rather

Fathers General Read More »

January 2017: Ganson an In-Residence Fellow at the Institute

Barbara Ganson, professor of History and director of Caribbean and Latin American Studies at Florida Atlantic University, starts her Senior Research Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Jesuit Studies. She will remain in residence during the spring semester to work on a translation and edited volume of Peruvian Jesuit missionary Antonio Ruiz de Montoya’s Conquista

January 2017: Ganson an In-Residence Fellow at the Institute Read More »

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