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January 2020: New Fellows Welcomed at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

For the spring 2020 semester, the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies welcomes Christoph Sander as an in-resident fellow, joining Marco Rochini and Andrew Barrette, both of whom are completing two-semester fellowships.   Sander received his Ph.D. at Technical University of Berlin and is a postdoctoral researcher at the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max Planck Institute for Art […]

January 2020: New Fellows Welcomed at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies Read More »

November 2019: Conference on Early Modern Jesuit Vocations

The Università degli Studi di Padova hosts a two-day conference with scholarly presentations considering vocations to the Society of Jesus in the early modern period.  The event is sponsored by the Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali.   The conference considers the theme of “vocation”–and in particular the “religious vocation” in its historical, religious,

November 2019: Conference on Early Modern Jesuit Vocations Read More »

August 2019: New Essays on Early Modern Jesuit Philosophy

Jesuit Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity presents eighteen essays on, according to Brill, “the origins and development of Jesuit philosophy during the first century of the Society of Jesus.” The publisher continues to note that the scholars contributing to this volume seek “to identify and examine the limits of the ‘distinctiveness’ of Jesuit philosophers during an

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April 2019: Roundtable on Material Cultures of Devotion in Early Modern Jesuit Missions

On April 29, Burns Library and the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies host a roundtable discussion at Boston College examining the “functions of sacred objects in three very different Jesuit missions from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries – England, China, and Northeastern America.”   “Material Cultures of Devotion in Early Modern Jesuit Missions” features presentations by

April 2019: Roundtable on Material Cultures of Devotion in Early Modern Jesuit Missions Read More »

September 2018: New Publication on Jesuits in Early Modern China

Nadine Amsler, of the Goethe University Frankfurt, has published Jesuits and Matriarchs: Domestic Worship in Early Modern China with University of Washington Press.   The title is a rare investigation of “the domestic and devotional practices of women” in early modern China, according to the publishing, presenting “a rich body of evidence that demonstrates how Chinese households functioned

September 2018: New Publication on Jesuits in Early Modern China Read More »

July 2018: New Title Available in the Leuven Chinese Studies

The Leuven Chinese Studies, published by the Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, has just released its 40th volume, Ferdinand Verbiest, Postulata Vice-Provinciae Sinensis in Urbe proponenda: A blueprint for a renewed SJ mission in China. The book is edited by Noël Golvers.    According to the publisher, the book highlights a series of requests that Verbiest, as the China Mission’s

July 2018: New Title Available in the Leuven Chinese Studies Read More »

“Relevance of the Society and its Apostolate in the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1971)

The Major Superiors Conference of India was held at Bombay, India, in April 1971. Pedro Arrupe participated in that meeting. The father general also delivered an address to a large gathering of Jesuits—including those who were attending the conference, members of Bombay Province, and others who traveled to hear the speech—at the St. Stanislaus’ School

“Relevance of the Society and its Apostolate in the World Today,” Pedro Arrupe (1971) Read More »

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