Search Results for: Thomas

June 2017: IHSI and Brill Publish a History of the English Province of the Society of Jesus

The Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu (IHSI) and Brill have collaborated to publish The Society of Jesus in Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1598–1606: “Lest Our Lamp be Entirely Extinguished” by Thomas McCoog. As the publishers note, the volume begins at a time when “Jesuit missions in Ireland, Scotland, and England were either suspended, undermanned, or under […]

June 2017: IHSI and Brill Publish a History of the English Province of the Society of Jesus Read More »

Jesuit Online Library Titles

The Jesuit Online Library includes the following 14 titles, consisting of nearly 100,000 pages in 700 volumes. To suggest other titles for inclusion in the Jesuit Online Library or to grant permission for titles to be digitized and added, please contact the Portal’s editors (     Journals Jesuit Educational Quarterly Published by Jesuit Educational

Jesuit Online Library Titles Read More »

March 2017: Jesuit Studies Roundtable at Loyola-Chicago

Loyola University Chicago hosted a Jesuit Studies Roundtable in advance of the annual Renaissance Society of America conference. Organized by Emanuele Colombo (Depaul University) and Stephen Schloesser (Loyola), the workshop consisted of presentations of current and future scholarly and digital projects. Presenting were: Scott Hendrickson, SJ, on “Continued Research on Juan Eusebio Nieremberg, SJ (1595-1658)”;

March 2017: Jesuit Studies Roundtable at Loyola-Chicago Read More »

Cardinal of State to Father General Pedro Arrupe on General Congregation 32 (1975)

The Cardinal of State, replying to Pedro Arrupe, provided the responses of Pope Paul VI to the decrees of the 32nd General Congregation. After “carefully” examining the decrees, the pontiff found some “somewhat confusing and could, because of the way they are expressed, give grounds for misinterpretation.” Therefore, Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot provides Arrupe with Paul VI’s “Particular

Cardinal of State to Father General Pedro Arrupe on General Congregation 32 (1975) Read More »

Jesuit Online Library

The Jesuit Online Library allows users to search 39 Jesuit titles, across more than 150,000 pages in more than 1,000 volumes, simultaneously or to browse single volumes individually. Full-text searches can be refined by title, date, publication, or author.   To learn more about the titles of books and journals in English, French, German, Spanish, Latin,

Jesuit Online Library Read More »

December 2015: First Volume of Stumpf’s Acta Pekinensia Published by IHSI

Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu has published the first volume of Kilian Stumpf’s The Acta Pekinensia or Historical Records of the Maillard de Tournon Legation. Edited by Paul Rule and Claudia von Collani, the book presents, for the first time in English, the account of the first years (December 1705-August 1706) of the visit to China

December 2015: First Volume of Stumpf’s Acta Pekinensia Published by IHSI Read More »

October 2015: Published Collection on Jesuit Suppression

Oxford University Press has published The Jesuit Suppression in Global Context: Causes, Events, and Consequences, edited by Jeffrey Burson (Georgia Southern University) and Jonathan Wright (University of Oxford). Contents of this volume include: Plots and rumors of plots: the role of conspiracy in the international campaign against the Society of Jesus, 1758–68, by Dale K. Van

October 2015: Published Collection on Jesuit Suppression Read More »

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